Warrior Training

Warrior Training by Keith Fennell Read Free Book Online

Book: Warrior Training by Keith Fennell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Fennell
– I was being paid to do what I loved: hard training. Our efforts were heavily scrutinised by up to 10 directing staff. We were expected to hold nothing back. For me, the most painful exercise was the tyre shoulder press. By the end of the session, most guys struggled to raise their hands above their heads, me included.
    The following morning we were told to dress in military fatigues, grab our rifles and weigh our webbing – it had to weigh a minimum of eight kilograms. There was a lot of yelling and guys were running everywhere. In squads, we were marched down a track and informed that we were doing a webbing run test. The required dress was boots, cams, webbing and rifle. To pass the test, we had to complete the 3.2-kilometre course in less than 16 minutes. We were not permitted to wear a watch.
    Whatever your fitness level, a webbing run is one of themost painful and difficult physical tests in the military. The added weight sees your legs heavy with lactic acid after the first 200 metres, and your heart rate will soon be operating at its maximum beats per minute. Just like running up a steep sandhill, there is no cruise mode, even for guys who can complete the run in 12 or 13 minutes. It is a grind that burns your lungs, calves and thighs from start to finish. We weren’t informed of our times, simply given a pass or fail. I finished sixth. The 20 soldiers who failed the run were given one more chance. Those who failed a second time were removed from the course.
    This type of fitness – battle fitness – is critical for SAS soldiers. If SAS soldiers are in heavy contact against a numerically superior force, then they must be able to break contact while heavily laden with equipment. The stress upon their bodies – and minds – will be extreme. It’s vastly different from throwing on a set of joggers and running fast. A strong will is required to embrace the pain and to continue pushing when your legs are begging to be able to walk. Those who choose to walk are those who fail.
    I’d pushed hard on the run so I struggled through breakfast. I was a bit nauseated and forcing the food down only exacerbated the feeling. We then completed a navigation exercise before lunch. In the heat of the afternoon, we boarded trucks and departed. I was certain we’d be doing the airfield run, a punishing session with a huge reputation. But this wasn’t the case.
    We assembled in a hangar and were briefed. ‘Okay, men, yesterday you completed the BFA – the basic fitness assessment. There is nothing special about that – everyone in the military has to do it. You’ll now complete the special-forcesBFA. I’m sure you’ll find it a little more challenging.’
    The first test was 60 push-ups. Easy enough , I thought. I was wrong. The cadence was agonisingly slow: just one push-up every four or five seconds. Guys who broke form were told to stand up. There were many. After 50 push-ups in three and a half minutes, my thighs began to spasm. This pissed me off. I made it to 60.
    The second test was maximum chin-ups.
    â€˜When I say “adopt the position”,’ the PTI said, ‘the front row of men will grab the bar – overgrasp or undergrasp – and hang at full extension. On the command “go” you will complete one set of maximum chin-ups. Are there any questions?’
    Wisely, no one answered.
    â€˜Adopt the position.’
    On this command, one man, whose thick arms were covered in tattoos, jumped on to the bar and began a frenzy of chin-ups. The directing staff repeatedly yelled at him to stop but he didn’t seem to notice. He had completed 13 or 14 before he stopped. The others were made to hang at full extension while the eager man was counselled.
    â€˜You failed to assimilate simple instruction. None of those chin-ups will count.’ This was followed by silence, then: ‘Go!’
    The man managed another 10. He was credited

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