War's Passion (Sons of War)

War's Passion (Sons of War) by Lia Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: War's Passion (Sons of War) by Lia Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lia Davis
male’s head whipped to the side, out cold.
    Pushing to his feet, Markus scanned the beach for more descendants. His gaze landed on a photo half buried in the sand. Picking it up, his heart skipped several beats. Rage burned within him, fueling the dragon’s protectiveness over the female in the picture.
    They were here to find her.
    Markus whirled around and almost ran into Ty. With a growl, Markus thrust the photo into Ty’s hand. “We need to move the females to the estate. Now.” Shifting, he took to the air and flew toward the lighthouse and Gwen, knowing Ty would call Drake and Seth in to do clean up.
    Gwen placed her wine glass on the table and considered opening the black lockbox that contained her father’s research documents and notes. Hovering her hand over the container, she wondered what had her so hesitant to go through the contents. It wasn’t like she was violating his privacy, yet she felt she doing just that. He’d want her to know the truth about the Sons of War and her life, wouldn’t he?
    Of course. Gods, she was being silly and a chicken.
    A knock sounded on the front door as she lifted the lid. It was barely four o’clock in the afternoon, and she wasn’t expecting anyone—though it could be Markus. Reaching out, she closed the box and locked it before heading to the door. When she got there, she hesitated. A cold chill skated up her spine and made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
    A peek through the peephole revealed a man she didn’t know. Sliding the chain into place, she opened the door and spoke through the small crack. “Yes?”
    The stranger smiled. “Hello. Are you Miss Preston?”
    Warning bells rang inside her head while her gut tightened with fear. “No. I’m afraid not.” Closing the door, she whirled around to see Elle step off the staircase.
    Gwen placed her finger over her mouth and indicated to the back door . They started to move just as the front windows shattered, spraying glass all over the living room. Gwen ran, only to be jerked back by her hair and tossed to the ground. A large man towered over her and kicked her in the side. Pain exploded in her ribs and shot down her body, making her cry out.
    The man leaned down to grab a handful her hair and pulled her to her feet with a tug on her already aching scalp. He yanked her into him and she could feel his arousal against her stomach through their clothes. Bile rose in her throat and she took shallow breaths to keep from being sick.
    When h is lips touched her cheek, she lost the ability to reason. Jerking her knee up, hard, she slammed it into him in the balls. The man cried out and let go of her. Gwen took that opportunity to kick him again, this time in the back as he curled in a fetal position on the floor.
    Elle screamed, and Gwen saw her sister fly across the room and hit the wall. Fury raged inside Gwen and she charged the man who dared hurt her. Gwen hit him in the gut and they fell to the floor. Sitting on his chest, she managed to get a few good punches in before she was flipped on her back. The man straddled her, grinned, and raised his fist. Closing her eyes, she braced for the impact. A loud boom sounded close by. Then the man was gone.
    Gwen opened her eyes and saw the monster from her dreams. A huge black dragon stood in the center of her living room. Terror overtook her. Her breathing turned into short gasps as a panic attack took hold like a vise around her lungs. Desperate to protect her sister, she raced backwards on her hands and knees until she reached Elle and pulled her into a hug.
    “So sorry ,” she said into Elle’s hair. The panic and fear erupted into uncontrollable tears as she rocked back and forth with Elle.
    A warm hand touched her arm , she screamed, and backed further into the corner with Elle. Markus appeared in her line of sight. She blinked and hoped her vision wasn’t playing tricks on her.
    “Gwen. You’re safe now.”
    She shook her

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