
Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Vaughan
speaking in Xyian. "Keir, Iften is talking against Gils. I'm afraid that he will try to use him as a pawn against you!"
    Keir frowned, and replied in the same language. "What is a'pawn'?" I blinked, then shook my head at my own stupidity. How could he know, since I doubted he knew the game. "It's a piece in a game. A pawn is an unwitting tool. An innocent person used against a friend."
    "Ah." Keir stood and moved to stand before his blanket, waited until he had the attention of the group, and then sat, sinking down onto the pad. While Iften was second in command, there was no place made for him at Keir's side.
    The rest seated themselves, and Keir waited a breath before calling them to order. There was less formality at this senel then there had been in the past, but I could see Marcus at the back, and he had Keir's token in his hands.
    Keir spoke, silencing the group. "I have called for the scouts who met with violence, to hear their truths." Keir gestured to Marcus, who pulled aside the leaves. Two men entered, walked to stand before Keir, and knelt, heads bowed.
    At the sound of his name, Ortis stood. "Warlord, I assigned the scouts sent to cover the front. I sent these two warriors, Tant and Rton forward along the road to the village."
    "A village sworn to us?" Keir asked.
    "Aye. The headman, the leader…"
    "The mayor?" I asked, using the Xyian term.
    Orris nodded. "That is the word he used, Warprize. The mayor had sworn fealty to you some weeks ago, Warlord. The walled village, where the goats roamed around the well." Keir chuckled. "I remember. They called it Wellspring. The mayor almost soiled himself during the oath." There was a soft murmur of laughter at that.
    A walled village meant that it was a remnant of my ancestor, Xyson. Few of those guard forts remained on the main road, fewer still had managed to retain a complete set of walls.
    "Tant. Rton."
    The other two men lifted their heads. I recognized Tant, since he'd been the scout that found me on the road, following Keir. His eyes widened to see me sitting there, and he looked down, clearly uncomfortable.
    The other man, Rton, spoke first. "We approached the village to find the gates closed, Warlord. We hailed them with a shout, but there was no response." Rton glanced at Ortis, and continued. "We moved closer then, and I dismounted to approach the gates, when someone started throwing rocks at us from the walls. A voice cried out, and then more rocks, and finally an arrow arched over the wall."
    "What did the voice say?" Keir asked.
    "I have no city talk, Warlord. But it sounded angry and defiant." Rton gestured nervously. "I mounted, and we moved off but there was no pursuit."
    "Our orders are, we meet resistance, we retreat and report." Tant spoke up quickly, almost defensive. "So we circled round the walls and came back at a run."
    "How many warriors were on the walls?"
    Tant and Rton exchanged looks. Tant shrugged. "Didn't see any, Warlord." Rton nodded his agreement. "They never exposed themselves to us."
    "This wall," Iften spoke up. "How is it made?"
    "Stone at the front and around the gates." Rton spoke with confidence. "Wood to the sides and back. They've built wooden structures inside, that sometimes take the place of a wall."
    "Easily overcome?"
    Tant nodded. "Easy enough, Warleader."
    "Shouldn't we talk to them first," I argued, "before you make plans to destroy the village?"
    "What else can this be, but defiance of the Warlord?" Aret asked.
    "So much for their pledges and honor. Typical." Iften's voice was scathing. Yers spoke, his face reflecting his conflict. "If they have defied the Warlord and broken their oaths they must be punished."
    Keir looked grim. "Is there anything more to report?" Ortis shook his head, and Keir dismissed the two scouts. When they were beyond the leaves, he spoke. "Joden, what say you?"
    Joden sighed. "Warlord, your path is clear. If this is defiance, and a breaking of their vows, they must suffer the penalty.

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