
Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online

Book: Warsworn by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Vaughan
turn his head to look at Prest. Then they both seemed to glance at Epor, who nodded. The silent communication somehow also included Isdra, who rode up next to us and dismounted. Epor and Prest dismounted as well. Prest led off their horses, and Epor stepped to my side. "May I assist you, Warprize?"
    I was about to protest the need for help, but something in his eyes stopped me. I accepted his assistance, and he lowered me carefully, keeping his body between me and Iften. Rafe moved off, and Isdra stepped up behind me.
    "What is this?" Iften growled. "You have no place at senel, Epor." Epor nodded, calmly accepting Iften's challenge. "True, Warleader. But the Warlord has trusted us with the safety of the Warprize, and commanded two of us at her side at all times." He said nothing more, merely adopting a neutral look. I took my cue from Epor, and remained silent. A quick glance behind me showed that Isdra was also keeping her face bland, looking almost bored.
    "It's an insult." Iften spat, his cheeks flushing red under his beard. I wasn't sure, but I had the impression that Epor had managed to offend him somehow.
    "It's a precaution, and a wise one." Yers countered.
    "It's the Warlord's command." As if that was the end of the discussion, Epor inclined his head to the two leaders, and moved forward. They gave ground, moving with us under the branches. Iften's face was still red and angry, but Epor's remained bland, offering no offense. There was a warrior there, holding a pitcher and a cloth. As I washed my hands, thanking the Goddess under my breath, I realized what the silent exchange had been about. Rafe and Prest had known that Iften would be difficult. Epor, older and with higher standing, had stepped in to handle the problem. Status was a critical part of Firelander Me, although I had yet to really understand it.
    Marcus had set two folded blankets at the base of the tree, and had arranged others in a pattern fanning out. He was waiting for me there, his cloak off, and frowning. "Sit here, Warprize. Ravage? Gurt? How are your feet?"
    I sat, folding my legs under me. "Just kavage, Marcus, please. And they're fine." He nodded, served me and moved off. Epor and Isdra took up positions behind me, but Marcus didn't offer them anything. I'd learned that they wouldn't eat or drink while on guard duty. But I noticed for the first time that he never really looked at them at all. Just past them, as if it was too painful to see them standing there. I looked into my cup of kavage and sighed. I'd been so lost in my petty misery. What else had I missed?
    I could almost hear Great Aunt Xydell scolding me. "Pay attention, chit." Keir was obviously taking precautions. The senel and the tree were surrounded by guards, watching over us and the horses. Rafe and Prest were beyond the branches, but had positioned themselves so that they could see me clearly. It was comfortable here under the tree, but a tightness had crept into my neck and shoulders. If some of my people were resisting, after they'd pledged their fealty to Keir, the consequences would be severe. The area was starting to fill with the members of the senel. They stood, mugs in hand, as Marcus moved among them. I watched and considered.
    Senels are basically councils for the army. I still hadn't figured out the details of the command structure, but I'd learned that the army had one Warlord, who had ten War-leaders under him. Each Warleader had command of a section of the army, and additional duties as well. Simus had been Keir's Second, Iften his Third. Their ranks were determined through a series of combats, not necessarily by the Warlord's choice alone.
    I glanced to the left of Keir's 'seat', where Simus would normally reign. I missed Simus. His laugh, his smile, his eyes gleaming in his dark face, his overwhelming confidence. As Keir's Second and as his friend, he'd sat at Keir's left hand in senels before this. But Simus had remained behind in Water's Fall with half of Keir's

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