Web of Secrets (Agents Under Fire)

Web of Secrets (Agents Under Fire) by Susan Sleeman Read Free Book Online

Book: Web of Secrets (Agents Under Fire) by Susan Sleeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Sleeman
looked like satin with lace trim. A demure gown, like a young girl might wear to bed. Her arms were folded across her chest, her legs crossed, her mouth open in a scream, her ears missing. Sawed off.
    Connor gagged again and went to join Sam and Dane who was still staring at the ground. A former patrol officer, Dane carried himself like a cop with confidence and an assessing eye. He was near six feet tall, with broad shoulders, and had a muscular build from his recent commitment to working out. Criminalists were sworn staff members at PPB, which meant Dane carried a gun just like any other officer, but it was hidden under his protective suit. He’d served seven years on the street, and that time had taught him to think like a criminal, a valuable skill for a criminalist.
    As Connor drew closer, he saw something poking out of the ground. It looked like a stick. Maybe it had been used in the crime somehow, but Connor didn’t immediately get the importance. Maybe it had to do with the second body Sam had mentioned on the phone.
    “Not a pretty sight over there,” Sam said in greeting.
    Connor nodded his agreement. “So what’s everyone looking at?”
    “A foot, or more precisely, a toe.” Dane squatted and used a fine brush to remove dirt from the item Connor had thought was a stick until it became clear that Dane had indeed located a bone.
    “Looks like a metatarsal,” Dane said. “Big toe. The phalanges either washed away or never surfaced.” Dane stood. “I’m no expert, but the bone is small so, I’m guessing it belongs to another girl.”
    “I know this is kind of an obvious question, but did you check to see if the first girl has all of her toes?”
    “You had to ask?” Sam mocked pulling a knife from his chest.
    “Okay, fine. Just double-checking.” Connor focused on the bone and moved his gaze across the grass to where he would expect her head to be located. “Ground’s intact.”
    “Which means she’s been here awhile.” Sam ran a hand over the back of his neck.
    “You’re positive it’s a human bone?” Connor asked.
    “Positive, no. The ME can weigh in, but I think we’ll need the OSP forensic anthropologist for a firm confirmation.”
    Connor had already expected they’d need resources from the Oregon State Police on this investigation. He just didn’t expect that would include an anthropologist. They’d have to call their lieutenant to arrange it.
    “I’ll get her out here ASAP,” Sam said, his eyes going to the trail.
    A fiery redheaded woman wearing coveralls rolled up at her ankles crested the hill. It didn’t take Connor long to recognize her as Marcie Jensen, the best medical examiner on the team. She was accompanied by Tim, her often acerbic tech. He was a string bean of a guy, who usually made the business of collecting bodies more difficult than it had to be. Still, he was competent, or Marcie would have fired him long ago.
    “I’ll go meet Marcie.” Sam looked at Connor. “Dane will secure this area. It’d be great if you’d start mapping the scene.”
    Connor dug his sketchbook from his field bag as Sam stepped off in long strides. Connor traced each tree, each large boulder, the gully with the grave, and the path, while Marcie and Sam studied the body. Connor labeled everything in neat block letters, making sure it was legible. He then used his surveyor’s wheel to plot the precise location of each item of evidence Sam and Dane had marked A2 through A17. And as he did so, he looked for additional evidence. Dane was doing the same thing, but Connor believed in being thorough. They could compare notes when Dane completed his drawing to be sure they hadn’t missed anything.
    Connor ended back at the second body, now identified by Dane’s crime-scene tape.
    Connor wondered who this poor girl might be. What had her dreams been? Whatever her aspirations, they’d been cut short by the lunatic Van Gogh. A thought suddenly hit him, and his heart sank.
    “Hey, Dane,”

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