Wedding Bell Blues

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Book: Wedding Bell Blues by Ellie Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Ferguson
over mine.
    I tried to push him away. At least I think I did. I know I
told my
hands to do just that. But, traitors that they are, they pulled him in
closer, my fingers twining in his dark hair, holding his head down.
Before I knew what was happening, my body tried to melt into his. One
small part of my brain registered the pain from my injured cheek as his
mouth ravaged mine. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything
just then except for prolonging this moment as long as possible.
    I moaned softly, all resistance flowing out of me. Only to
myself firmly set back on my feet - when had I left them? - and Colton
rubbing a knuckle down my left cheek. His eyes sparkled with a triumph
that instantly had my defenses back in place. Well, two people can play
that game. All he'd proven was that the chemistry between us was still
there. Now I'd prove just how much he'd given up when he decided to
screw Heather Grossman on our kitchen table.
    Except the son of a bitch moved back another step, opening the
as he did. Then he was gone, and I ground my teeth in frustration.
    How the hell was I supposed to go to church and spend the day
with my parents after that?

Chapter Five
    "Jessie, oh my God, are you all right?"
    I closed my eyes and counted slowly to ten. Then repeated it.
it enough I'd spent the last several hours reassuring my parents I was
all right? Sure, I looked like I'd gone ten rounds with the heavyweight
champ and had lost. Sure, I hurt in more places than I realized and
even more seemed to hurt with every hour that passed. But, until that
moment, I had been spared my sister's concern.
    Oh well, all good things must come to an end…and that,
obviously, meant this time of peace.
    Still, what was Maryanne doing here? She was supposed to be
the day with Brett and his family. At least that's what Mom had said
earlier when I asked where Maryanne was.
    "Hey, Tink." I fixed a
smile on my face, thinking rapidly. Somehow I had to keep her from
asking all the questions I'd already answered for Father Jacob, not to
mention friends and strangers at church. "I didn't expect to see you
    She reached out with a trembling finger to lightly touch the
bandage on my cheek. "Are you all right?" she repeated.
    "I'm fine. It looks a lot worse than it really is."
    That much was the truth. Both Mom and Dad had taken time to
the cut, carefully cleansing it and applying a new layer of antibiotic
ointment and who knows what other medicines to ensure I didn't scar.
Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything to make the bumps and bruises
hidden by my clothes hurt any less.
    "Your poor face."
    "Maryanne, I'm fine. Really." I waited as she dropped onto a
across the kitchen table from me. She continued to stare, her
expression troubled. "And don't worry. I'm sure I'll be able to hide
the bruises with some makeup by Saturday."
    "To hell with that, Jessie!"
    Whoa, where did that come from?
    "Easy, little sister. I'm serious. I'll be able to get rid of
bandage by then and makeup should hide the worst of the bruising.
Besides, think of the stories you'll be able to tell your kids one day
about how their crazy Aunt Jessica showed up to your wedding looking
like a poor excuse for a prize fighter."
    "Assuming there is a wedding," she wailed and then burst into
    Oh shit.
    "What?" Mom demanded, turning from the sink. "What are you
about?" She dried her hands on a dishtowel and rushed to where Maryanne
sat, folding her into a tight embrace. "What happened, baby?"
    "Nothing, except Brett suddenly decided he's not sure he wants
to get married," she sobbed.
    Double damn.
    "Maryanne," Mom began and then glared angrily at Daddy when he
motioned for her to be quiet. Then he turned a look at me that sent my
stomach roiling. Crap, he expected me to handle this.
    Shit, damn and fuck.
    I leaned forward and grasped Maryanne's hands in mine, waiting
until she looked at me.

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