Wedding Bell Blues

Wedding Bell Blues by Ellie Ferguson Read Free Book Online

Book: Wedding Bell Blues by Ellie Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Ferguson
    I found him in the living room, his back to me - that seemed
to be
his normal pose these days - as he pulled on his tee shirt. A quick
look confirmed this was where he'd spent the night. My grandmother's
afghan, one she'd crocheted for my tenth birthday, was inexpertly
folded and then tossed across the back of the sofa. His running shoes,
socks tucked into them, had been kicked under the coffee table. His
wallet and gun rested on the coffee table, within easy reach when he'd
been sleeping.
    He turned, his eyes flashing angrily, his jaw tight. Without a
he reached for his wallet and slid it into his hip pocket. Then his
hand closed over his gun and the pancake holster it rested in. The way
he almost absently positioned the holster at the small of his back told
me how long he'd been doing just that. It was as if the movement was
instinctual now - which it probably was. Then he dropped onto the sofa
to pull on his shoes.
    Well, if he wasn't going to talk, I'd have to.
    "Colton, that wasn't what I meant." Damn, I really didn't want
have to apologize when he's the one who overreacted. "I simply wanted
to know if you stayed because you thought those bastards might try
something else." I couldn't bring myself to say anything more, afraid
if I gave voice to my fears, they might come true.
    He stopped in the middle of tying his right shoe. Even though
didn't look up, I saw the tension in the line of his shoulders ease
slightly. Still, he said nothing and I wondered what else I needed to
do to get him to answer my question.
    Damned stubborn fool.
    "Not so far. Hopefully, we'll find something either through
fingerprints - and there were a butt-load of them so it's going to take
time to get IDs and then cross-check for criminal records and alibis.
It would have helped if Manny's security camera had actually been
working." His frustration all but bubbled over. If the camera had
worked, they might have an idea who they were looking for. Instead,
they had to rely on what I could tell them, at least until the
forensics were back, and I hadn't been of much help so far.
    I hadn't meant to say it out loud. But I did and he looked at
nodding in agreement. In that one moment, all the tension, all the hard
feelings between us were forgotten. It wouldn't last. It never did, but
it felt good. I might be stubborn, hard headed and hold a grudge longer
than most any other person, but I was also knew I needed Colton. I
needed him to find whoever had killed Manny and who had considered
killing me.
    I needed him whether I liked it or not…and I most certainly
did not, for so many reasons.
    "Jessie, I'll find the guys who did this. But until I do,
don't take
any risks." He pinned me with a firm look, those brown eyes dark with
concern. "I mean it."
    "Colton, you know me: the most dangerous thing I do is walk
into my classroom."
    He didn't say anything, just stood there, shaking his head.
    "I've got to get to the station and get back on this. I'll
keep you informed."
    Good manners had me walking with him to the front door. He had
stayed with me, making sure I didn't need anything during the night.
He'd even brought me my favorite ice cream and single malt, and he'd
fixed breakfast. For me. Of course, that little conversation he'd had
with my mother couldn't be forgiven, not knowing how she was going to
react. Still, he deserved to know that I did appreciate everything else.
    "Colton, thank you. I mean it."
    He smiled down at me, his expression only slightly mocking.
"No, you don't. But you'll figure out how to deal with it."
    "Colton!" Of course, he was right, but that didn't mean I'd
give him the satisfaction of knowing it.
    "Go to church with your folks and try not to worry too much.
I'll be in touch as soon as I know anything."
    He turned to the door and reached for the knob. Then, catching
completely off-guard, he turned back and pulled me close. "To hell with
it," he murmured just before his mouth closed

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