Werewolf Orgy By Campfire
Jackie said confidently. “We have the
biggest plot, the privacy bushes so we can suntan without any
weirdo’s gawking at us, and then our own private beach right next
to the lake! It’s perfect!”
    “Perfect.” Heather echoed flatly.
    “Sourpuss.” Jackie faux pouted. “Let’s set up
our tent before anyone else gets here. Gotta get the best
    The two girls spent the next hour setting up
their tent, picking the spot with the most shade next to a large
leafy tree that overhang the natural privacy fence on the edge of
their plot. They unpacked their meager belongings and slipped into
bikinis to start their vacation off right: sun tanning.
    Heather unfolded her lawn chair next to
Jackie and plopped down into it, then leaned back to relax and let
the sun’s rays bathe her in their warm glow.
    “So, remind me again who else is meeting us
here?” she asked with her eyes closed, adjusting her black and
white polka dotted bikini top.
    Jackie squirt another dollop of sun tan
lotion into her hand and spread the buttery cream up and down her
already tan thighs.
    “Misty and Jenny, Izzy and Brenda….and…”
Jackie let her voice drift off.
    “And?” Heather opened her eyes and took a
peek at her best friend. She had that mischievous smile on her lips
once more.
    “And your surprise.” she said, still rubbing
the oil into her legs. “Ethan and Jayden.”
    Heather scoffed. “Those two douchebags from
the lacrosse team? Great.”
    “You know how much Ethan is into you,
Heather. Just picture yourself spending the week wrapped up in
those strong arms.” Jackie teased, poking Heather in the ribs
    “Gag,” Heathers tone was cold but her cheeks
were rosy red as she blushed at Jackie’s teasing.
    Heather secretly had a crush on Ethan as
well, but for some reason she couldn’t open up and let other people
know no matter how badly she wanted to. She was too shy, and she
had never really had a real boyfriend before. Heather felt her
heartbeat speed up slightly; she was getting excited. She imagined
herself lying in Ethan’s tent; spooning with him, his thick, strong
arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm throughout the night. His
calloused hand moving down her chest and over her abs, his
fingertips lightly tracing over her skin until they hovered just
over her pussy…
    “Heather?” Jackie’s voice pierced through
Heather’s daydream, ripping her back to reality.
    Heather, startled, turned toward her friend.
“Yeah?” she asked.
    She realized how wet her daydream was making
her. Her cheeks turned that rosy red once again.
    “Looking forward to tonight?” Jackie
    Heather leaned back into her folding chair to
take the sun’s rays all over her body.
    “We’ll see.” she tried to sound uninterested,
but the butterflies in her stomach told another story.
    Hours passed and the sun began its slow
descent below the horizon. The soft, orange rays bathed their
campsite and turned everything a slight tangerine shade. The girls
heard a car door slam shut and sat up, hoping their friends had
finally arrived.
    Heather rubbed her eyes under her bug-eyed
sunglasses and yawned.
    “Nice of you to finally show up.” she said as
she stretched in the horizontal lawn chair.
    “No problem,” a smooth and masculine voice
shot back, “It’s nice to see you too, Heather.”
    Heather froze and gripped the sides of her
chair. She slowly turned toward the source of that voice, knowing
exactly who she had been talking to.
    Not twenty feet away, Ethan and Jayden walked
toward the two sunbathing girls with their folded up tents and
travel bags in each hand. Shirts off and slung lazily over one
shoulder, the men wore only their floral-patterned swim trunks and
noisy flip flops that clipped against their heels as they strode
confidently through the grass. Jayden dragged a blue cooler behind
him while Ethan was flashing his bright white grin and looking
directly at Heather, and she swore that she saw his eyes

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