Westward Moon

Westward Moon by Linda Bridey Read Free Book Online

Book: Westward Moon by Linda Bridey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Bridey
                  Jack kissed Sparrow and then began covering them up with the blankets he’d brought with him.  They spent the next few hours talking as Jack tried to catch her up with all that had happened in Dawson and the Lakota camp the past few years.  She was very interested in the new medical clinic in town and wanted to know who among her friends had had babies.
                  It was the wee hours of the morning before they fell asleep.  They cuddled together under the blankets, drawing warmth from one another.  Their slumber was deep and peaceful as they took comfort in being able to hold one another again.

Chapter Six
                  Jack was roused by someone kicking his boot.  He groaned in protest and struck back.
                  “Ow!  Hey, Jack.  Get up.  Both of you.”
                  Jack was instantly awake as he recognized his father’s voice.  He opened his eyes and saw Dean’s disapproving expression.  Jack looked down at Sparrow and smiled.
                  “Pa, it ain’t like that.  We just wanted to be able to talk in private.  Plus, you snore like a freight train,” he said.
                  “I do not,” Dean said.
                  Jack gently shook Sparrow.  “Sparrow, time to get up,” he said.
                  Sparrow stirred and sat up.  She saw Dean and became fearful.  Her future father-in-law could be short-tempered and she didn’t want him to be angry with her. 
                  Dean smiled and said, “It’s ok, Sparrow.  C’mon you two.  Get some breakfast and get ready.  I want to get on the road soon.”
                  “Ok,” Jack said.
                  He helped Sparrow up as Dean left the hayloft.  They brushed hay from each other’s clothes and Jack picked it out of Sparrow’s hair.  When they were finished, Jack cupped Sparrow’s face and kissed her good morning.
                  “That’s better,” he said and smiled.
                  “Yes, it is,” she said as she hugged him.  Then she sighed and said, “We better go or your father will get angry.”
                  “Yeah.  You’re right,” Jack said.
                  They washed up and changed before joining the others in the dining room.  As they sat down at the table, Sasha noticed Sparrow’s ring.
                  “Is that what I think it is?” she asked as she took Sparrow’s hand.
                  Sparrow beamed as she said, “Yes.  Jack proposed to me again last night and I said yes.”
                  Dean looked at Jack and said, “That was sort of fast.”
                  Jack returned Dean’s look.  Determination set his face into serious lines.  “We’re not wastin’ any more time, Pa.  Three years was three years too many.  I’m not gonna let it happen again.”
                  Dean could see his point, but he didn’t think Jack should rush into anything until they fully understood Sparrow’s situation.  He didn’t want to upset Sparrow, however.
                  He smiled at the happy couple and said, “I don’t blame you.  Congratulations to you both.  Sparrow, welcome to the family…again.”
                  Reckless and Sasha also offered their congratulations.
                  Dean said, “Sasha, I can’t believe your husband let you come all this way on your own.”
                  “I am a widow, so I don’t need any permission,” Sasha said.
                  “Oh, I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have just assumed.  I’m sorry for your loss,” Dean said.
                  Sasha played with her wedding band and said, “Thank you.”
                  “Do you have family back home?” Dean

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