What He Desires

What He Desires by Violet Haze Read Free Book Online

Book: What He Desires by Violet Haze Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Haze
haven’t the slightest clue.
    So I push it aside to examine later as we enter the house.
    His mother is at the stove as we walk in. She turns as the girls laugh, taking seats at the little table in the corner while screaming, “Hi gwandma!”
    “You two ready for breakfast?” She places their plates in front of them as they bob their heads and turns to me. “And how are you this morning?”
    “Oh, I’m fine, thank you.”
    Breena takes a seat at the counter and pats the stool next to her. “Come eat. We don’t need a repeat of last evening.”
    Man, she’s bossy.
    I sit down anyway, hoping Tobias will walk in at any second and save me from being alone with his mother and sister.
    It’s one thing to meet the family; it’s another to face them alone.
    “Where’s Tobias?” I ask as she sets a plate in front of me.
    Two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a couple of strawberries. My stomach growls at the sight.
    Breena laughs. “He’s out chopping wood with dad and our brother. They’ll be in in a few minutes.”
    My fork pauses halfway to my mouth, which is now hanging open. “Chopping wood? As in, with an axe?” Duh, Jocelyn, of course it’s with an axe! “Sorry, stupid question.”
    At the mental image of Tobias shirtless, sweating from the exertion of his activity, my appetite for food is replaced with an intense desire to get him naked again.
    I no longer have to wonder where he got his physical form and stamina from. Apparently, the man milks cows and chops wood on the weekends. I bet he rides horses and rescues cats from trees, too.
    Who would’ve thought? Certainly not me, even after knowing he grew up in the country.
    His mother’s hand covers the one I have resting on the counter. “Not stupid. You look shocked though. Didn’t Tobias tell you he grew up on a farm?”
    “No.” I shake my head and put the fork down. “He said he grew up in the country, that’s all.”
    She clucks her tongue, giving my hand a squeeze before turning away. “Don’t pay him any mind. He likes to keep people guessing.”
    “Yeah, I know, trust me.”
    “How did you two meet?” Breena asks.
    I glance at her. “He didn’t tell you?”
    “Sure he did. It doesn’t mean it’s always true though. He loves to exaggerate.”
    Now that I didn’t know.
    Before I can answer, the door opens and in walks the topic of conversation. Right behind him, his dad and brother. They are scarcely inside when Tabitha and Beatrice shriek with excitement, “Uncle ‘Biath!” and run toward him.
    “Whoa, whoa, girls!” They stutter to a halt in front of him. “Uncle Tobias is dirty. Let me go clean up first, all right?”
    He looks over at the counter, and seeing me, grins.
    I admit, I love when he smiles at me. His whole face lights up and he gazes at me as if I’m the only woman in the world he wants. Which is crazy since I’m sure he could have his pick.
    Whatever though. If marrying me is what he wants, that’s just what he’ll get. Relationship challenged Jocelyn who can’t even find her way out of bedroom in a house without getting lost.
    Heading toward me, I register he is indeed not wearing a shirt mere seconds before his lips descend on mine, kissing me in front of everyone. It’s brief, yet long enough that I know I’ll be following him up the steps to jump his bones. He draws back.
    “Morning, babe.”
    Oh, now he uses an endearment for the first time, and in front of his parents no less. Needles to say, I can’t resist taking it to the next level — unspoken challenge accepted!
    “How goes it, munchkin?”
    His whole family roars with laughter as he takes my chin in his hand and kisses me again, chuckling against my mouth.
    “I can tell this one’s got your number, bro. You better watch out.”
    I turn my head to look toward the voice, finally taking a good look at his brother. A younger version of Tobias with enough differences to tell they are related but not twins. Same brown hair and brown eyes

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