What Laurel Sees: a love story (A Redeeming Romance Mystery)

What Laurel Sees: a love story (A Redeeming Romance Mystery) by Susan Rohrer Read Free Book Online

Book: What Laurel Sees: a love story (A Redeeming Romance Mystery) by Susan Rohrer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Rohrer
stainless steel appliances. They were just things, she knew, but they were part of the life they’d been building together. Everywhere Shana turned was a reminder. Frank was gone, never to return.
    Their matronly nanny, Helen Reed, ladled lentil soup for Grace. “Here. This should taste good.”
    Grace just looked at the steaming bowl in front of her. “I had tuna at my Mommy’s.”
    Helen unfolded Grace’s napkin and placed it in her lap. “This soup should go with that tuna just fine. Something hot to stick to your bones.”
    Shana could hardly bear to watch. Still, it was just as hard to turn away.
    Grace looked up at Helen, clearly disinterested in eating. “Did they tell you what happened?”
    Helen exchanged a glance with Shana. Shana nodded. Helen stroked Grace’s hand, her eyes filled with compassion. “Yes, Love. They told me.”
    Shana turned, hearing the sound of approaching footsteps. Her attorney, Howard Berg, concluded a phone conversation and tucked his cell into his pocket.
    Howard had been Shana’s first call from Frank’s office. A salty contemporary of her late father, Howard had been there for Shana for many years. He’d handled all of her legal affairs since the death of her parents left her heir to their handsome estate and fortune. Howard didn’t come cheap, but he had proven himself invaluable in securing custody of Grace. That had been no small feat against Laurel, who had fought relentlessly for her maternal rights.
    Shana glanced back toward Grace in the kitchen, then spoke in hushed tones to Howard. “She’s completely traumatized, Howard. You should have seen her. She was the one who found him. I’m telling you. Everything that was innocent completely drained from her face. I can’t believe I sent her into his office.” Tears welled in Shana’s eyes.
    Howard put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “Stop punishing yourself.”
    That was easier said than done. Shana brushed a quick hand across her face. She steeled herself the best she could. “Howard, I want this child. How soon can you get a court date to deal with the custody ramifications of this?”
    “Already on it. Should know by the end of the day.”
    Shana nodded. “Good.” Her hands trembled. Try as she might, she couldn’t seem to control it.
    As usual, Howard saw right through her. “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll take care of everything.
    “Thank you, Howard. It’s just that...I know this woman. She’ll use this.”
    Laurel drew insulin into a hypodermic needle. There wasn’t much privacy where Laurel worked at the Blackberry Grille, but Laurel had gotten used to treating her diabetes in the employees’ bathroom toward the back. Laurel raised her skirt and injected her thigh as her head waitress, Belle, exited a stall and headed for the sink.
    Belle lathered her hands. “Girl, I do not see how you do that. I hate needles.”
    “So do I.” Laurel rubbed the sore spot, then put her insulin kit away.
    “You should go home. Not every day the boss offers.”
    Laurel sighed. “I know.” If only her life were that easy. “I can’t live on my base.”
    Without hesitation, Belle dug into her pocket. “Take my tips for today. You’ve covered for me enough times.”
    Laurel gently waved Belle off. “You’re a good friend, Belle, but no thanks. I just need to push through this.”
    Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. The Grille’s aging cashier, Mary Jo, poked her head in and spotted Laurel. “Got a guy out here asking for you.”
    Laurel blanched. It had been everything she could do to return to work, given the events of the day. And since she had no man in her life, there was only one reason a man would seek her out at work. The inevitable questioning was about to begin. Laurel closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. There was no way she could face this alone. She needed strength she didn’t have. It would have to come from far beyond herself.
    Laurel emerged from the back with Mary Jo. 

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