What Ya Girl Won't Do

What Ya Girl Won't Do by Brandi Johnson Read Free Book Online

Book: What Ya Girl Won't Do by Brandi Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandi Johnson
tried hard to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. Her thoughts stayed on the lawn guy with the sexy Jamaican accent. After about twenty minutes of tossing and turning, Kylee opened her eyes and climbed out of bed. She walked over to her bedroom window and discreetly looked down at the lawn guy while he trimmed Mr. Vernon’s hedges. She watched as he wiped the pouring sweat from his forehead.
    Damn, he looks so good, Kylee thought as she continued watching him work. Her mind began running wild. She began fantasizing about all the things she would have loved to do to him if she ever got the chance while watching his every move.
    Kylee was so caught up; she must have blown her cover because the lawn guy looked up at her window and waved. Kylee took a quick step back. He laughed and continued working.
    â€œDamn, I hope this nigga don’t think I’m a stalker.” Kylee giggled. “Oh well, I guess since I can’t go back to sleep I might as well get my workout in before I meet up with Ja’Nay and I’reon.”
    Kylee walked over and made up her bed before heading to the adjacent bathroom to shower. After showering, Kylee put on a pair of white spandex Nike running shorts, the ones that showed off every curve and then some, with the sports bra to match. She grabbed a pair of crisp white and pink Nike Lunar Eclipse running shoes out of the closet. “Forgot my socks,” she said, heading over to her dresser, grabbing a pair of no-shows out of her sock drawer before quickly peeking out her window, to see if Denzel was still over there working. After getting dressed, Kylee strapped her iPod on to her forearm, put her sweat towel in the front of her shorts, and headed downstairs. She walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of cold water out of the refrigerator before heading out the door. She walked off her porch and headed over into Mr. Vernon’s yard.
    The lawn guy smiled as he watched Kylee walk over to him. “Don’t tell me that my trimmers are too loud, too?” he joked as he checked out Kylee’s washboard abs, perfectly shaped hips, and the colorful tattoo that decorated the entire right side of her upper body.
    Kylee laughed. “No, I brought you a peace offerin’.”
    â€œWhat is it?” he asked, smiling.
    â€œHere you go,” she said nervously, while handing him the bottle of cold water.
    â€œThank you,” he said, taking the water from her hand.
    Kylee watched as he opened the water and took it to the head. She instantly got hot. She didn’t know if it was from the smoldering sun or the way his lips gripped the rim of the water bottle; whatever it was she could definitely feel the heat.
    â€œGood Lawd! Elizabeth, I think I’m comin’ to join you honey,” Mr. Vernon walked outside and said while grabbing his chest like Fred Sanford used to do.
    Kylee shook her head. “Good mornin’, Mr. Vernon,” she spoke.
    â€œIt wasn’t a good mornin’ at first ’cause my bunions were on fire, my rheumatoid arthritis was actin’ up in my hands, and I just found out I got gout. But seein’ you in that there outfit, I think I’m healed!” Mr. Vernon smiled wickedly.
    The lawn guy shook his head and smiled.
    â€œWell, I guess I better let you get back to work,” Kylee said, taking a step back, letting Mr. Vernon spoil her mood.
    â€œThanks again for the water, ma,” he replied with a wink.
    Kylee put her ear buds in, pushed play on her iPod, and took off jogging. Mr. Vernon and the lawn guy both watched Kylee until she was all the way out of their sight.
    Mr. Vernon shook his head in disbelief. “Welcome to the neighborhood.”
    â€œSo let me get this straight. The nigga caught you watchin’ him out your bedroom window?” Ja’Nay laughed before sticking a spoonful of ICEE into her mouth as they walked around downtown to waste time before the movie

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