When Marrying a Scoundrel

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Book: When Marrying a Scoundrel by Kathryn Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Smith
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
    “I believe in making my own.”
    The duke grinned. “Don’t we all—and then something happens to make a man reckon it’s all preordained.” The look he flashed his wife made Jack uncomfortable. He glanced away. Archer met his gaze and grimaced. Jack stifled a chuckle. He liked Archer. In fact, it seemed as though he was in danger of liking the entire Kane clan. Of course, he had yet to meet the mother and the sister, but if they were as lovely as Trystan claimed, Jack couldn’t imagine not liking them too.
    “You should sit with Madame Moon if ever you get the chance,” Lady Ryeton continued. “She’s quite good.”
    “I’ve no doubt she is.” The little charlatan.
    “She saw Grey in my cup plain as day.”
    If he’d only a penny for every time he’d heard Sadie tell some gullible young woman that she saw love in her leaves. It worked almost every time—except for that one time when Sadie had mistakenly taken a girl for one of the Sapphic sisterhood. The young lady had pitched a fit of monstrous proportions. That one had bothered Sadie for days. She had actually convinced herself that she was right and the girl had lied to her.
    “She must be good,” he allowed. “Madame La Rieux wouldn’t contract her services if they were less than top-notch.” He smiled—a little limply, unable to muster a full grin. “Bad for business.”
    The duchess fixed him with an odd look, and hecouldn’t quite tell if she thought he was laughing at her, or if she was actually laughing at him. As much as he detested being the joke, he’d rather that than the alternative. Pissing off Trystan’s family was not what he wanted to do, especially when said family—despite being slathered in scandal—was a very old and powerful one.
    “So when is that brother of ours due to join us?” It was Archer who asked, and Jack could have hugged the man for saving him from any more of the duchess’s questions or gazes.
    “His last telegram said he hoped to be in London by month’s end.” By then Trystan claimed these “mysterious” plans of his would be set in motion, whatever that meant. But it was his business, not Jack’s.
    “So you are with us for a while longer,” the duke commented. “You must come to dine with us one night next week.” He glanced at his wife who nodded. “Rose will send an invitation ’round to your hotel.”
    Jack bowed his head. “You’re most generous, Your Grace.”
    Ryeton made a scoffing sound. “Hardly. You can give Archer and me all the dirt on what our little brother’s been up to these past years. And call me Ryeton, I’m not much for ceremony.”
    That seemed to be a family trait, Jack thought to himself, but he smiled at Ryeton and his wife. They were perfectly likable people, or rather they would be if Lady Ryeton would stop looking at him like that. Dinner with them would be a welcome distraction, provided the Amazing Madame Moon didn’t come up in conversation again.
    He just had to get through the next few weeks before Trystan returned and took over. Then he could leave England and never return. Surely he could get through the days without seeing Sadie again? It wasn’t as though they ran in the same circles. Surely God would smile upon him—just this once?

Chapter 4
    T he northern section of Bond Street, which was sometimes referred to as ‘New’ Bond Street, was one of the most prestigious shopping areas in London. Every day the fairer members of London’s upper crust entertained themselves by spending vast amounts of their husbands’ money there. Money that Sadie wanted a share of, and planned to one day have.
    It wasn’t arrogance or snobbery that led her to this location for her tea shop, but rather a conversation with Vienne after a long day of their own shopping. Tired and weary, Sadie had remarked upon how much she could use a cup of tea, a scone, and a loo—not necessarily in that order. And Vienne had replied that wouldn’t it be nice if

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