When Marrying a Scoundrel

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Book: When Marrying a Scoundrel by Kathryn Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Smith
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
but Jack also had to wonder just what exactly the upper class did with all that extra room when they weren’t entertaining. Places such as this were deuced hard to heat in the winter. He would know; he’d grown up in a house almost as opulent as this.
    He knocked on the door and was shown into the house by the butler, an unassuming-looking older man who introduced himself as Westford, and took Jack’s hat and coat before escorting him to a large withdrawing room in shades of blue and cream. There, he found part of the Kane family waiting for him.
    “Mr. Friday,” a man older but having about the same build as Jack said as he rose to his feet. “We meet at last. I’m Ryeton.”
    The duke was an impressive-looking man, handsome save for a wicked scar that ran down the left side of his face. He had dark hair and blue eyes the same as Trystan, and Jack could see a similarity around the nose and mouth as well.
    He bowed. “Your Grace.”
    “May I present my wife, the duchess?”
    Another bow as a beautiful woman came forward to greet him. The duchess was a brunette with sparklingdark eyes and cheeks as soft and pink as her name. No wonder Ryeton had courted scandal to have her.
    But it was the third occupant of the room that brought Jack up short. Lord Archer Kane flashed him a cheeky grin as he came forward and offered a glass of scotch. He was the chatty stranger from Chez Cherie’s. No wonder he’d seemed familiar. He was Trystan’s brother. “Nice to see you again, Friday.”
    Jack’s smile came easier than he expected. “And you, Lord Archer.”
    The taller, leaner man waved his hand and continued to grin. He didn’t seem much worse the wear for his debauchery the night before, but Jack knew a man on a downward spiral when he saw one. “Just Archer, you’ve unfortunately earned that intimacy.”
    Lady Ryeton was immediately curious and she made no effort to hide it. “The two of you know each other? Really, Archer. How could you not tell us?”
    Her brother-in-law looked vaguely apologetic. “I didn’t know who he was, my dear. Besides, it was only last evening.”
    “Where did you meet?” She asked.
    Archer winked at Jack. “A club.”
    Jack took a drink of his scotch to avoid having to comment, but it seemed there was no need. The duchess rolled her eyes at both of them. “I do not want to know.”
    “No,” Archer agreed. “You do not.”
    “Well, I do,” Ryeton spoke, pinning his brother with a pale gaze. “You can tell me all about it later. Meanwhile,why don’t we sit?” He gestured for Jack to be seated in a comfortable wing-back of dark blue brocade. Jack did so willingly, hoping His Grace didn’t decide to interrogate him as well.
    He gave both men the letters from Trystan, and when the duke asked why he had come ahead of the youngest Kane brother, he explained that Trystan had wanted him to take care of several business matters around town in his absence.
    The duke laughed—a brash sound that made Jack jump. “Meaning he wanted to send you in to soften up Madame La Rieux.”
    There didn’t seem much point in hiding it, even though Jack wasn’t quite sure that was exactly what he’d been sent to do. So, he merely smiled.
    “Did you attend the function at Saint’s Row last night, Mr. Friday?” Lady Ryeton inquired as she sat on the sofa, sipping her wine.
    Jack rolled the glass of scotch between his palms. His stomach rebelled at the thought of taking a drink. How did Archer manage it? “I did, Your Grace.”
    She rested her temple on her knuckles as she regarded him with interest. “Did you have your fortune told by Madame Moon?”
    The mention of Sadie threatened a return of his breakfast. He swallowed. “I did not have that honor, no.”
    The duke leaned back in his chair and stretched out his long legs, crossing them at the ankle. Dressed all in black as he was, he was an intimidating sight. “Not abig believer in fate, destiny, and all that, Friday?” He asked

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