When You Least Expect It

When You Least Expect It by Sandra Leiper Read Free Book Online

Book: When You Least Expect It by Sandra Leiper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Leiper
it, people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after.  Could this be happening to her?  That would just be her luck.  She would fall in love with someone twenty-five hundred miles away, instead of someone right here in town. People in Texas have computers, after all.  What was wrong with her!  She’d really have to think about this while she was away, whether or not she wanted to be involved in such a strange relationship. She stepped out of the shower and went into her usual mode.  She was late, which in turn made them all late. 
                  She got to work and went straight to her desk.  She was a medical assistant at a pediatric clinic. She’d been doing this for quite some time, and really loved it.  She didn’t really have an assigned position; they just put her where she was needed.   After being late today, she didn’t have much to do, so she decided to go in and talk to her boss, Mariah.  She and Mariah were really close and she wanted to confide in her.  “I am finally here,” she announced happily.
                    Mariah was glad to see her.  “What happened, girl?  I thought you would never get here.”
                  Amanda plopped herself in the big chair across from Mariah’s desk.  She spent a lot of time here, either venting or listening to Mariah vent.  Their workplace was a stressful environment, and it helped to get it all out sometimes.  She was grateful that she had the kind of boss that allowed it.  
                  “So I need to tell you something, Mariah.  It’s kind of weird, so try to listen with both ears open.” 
                  Mariah laughed, “Well it would be tough to hear if I didn’t!”
                    Amanda rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and began.  “I’ve been talking to this guy on the Internet for a couple of months.  We’ve recently started talking on the phone.  Mariah, he claims to have feelings for me.  Believe me, I know this seems strange, and even I think I have gone off the deep end, but it just seems so real.”   She noticed that almost with each word, Mariah’s eyes were getting wider and wider.  “What do you think?”
                  This was all the invitation Mariah needed.  “ARE YOU NUTS?  You can’t have a relationship with someone on the Internet.  You don’t know him!  He could be an axe murderer for all you know. What are you thinking?  You’re a cute, wonderful woman; you don’t need to find men on there.  Find them here in real life, where you can get to know them.  The real them!  Mandy, you’ve lost your mind, girl!”
                    She wondered if she should even try to defend herself after Mariah’s tirade.  She decided to just stay quiet for now.  She just said, “I’ve had my fill of real men.  You know that. That doesn’t seem to be working for me either.”  She looked pensively at her.  “So what do you propose I do, take up knitting?”
                  Mariah laughed uncontrollably knowing full well Amanda had no idea how to knit.  “Go to work!”  She didn’t know what to say to her.  She wanted her to be happy, but she also wanted her to be safe.
                     She laughed and said, “Yes, Master!”  She slowly made her way back to her desk, feeling no better than she had before.
                  Ray was staring out his window.  He hadn’t done one thing since hanging up with Amanda except run the conversation over and over in his mind.  He felt like a fool.  In one conversation he’d practically asked her to marry him, professed his feelings, announced his intent to separate, and asked her to wait for him.  She must think him crazy.  The funny thing is he meant all

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