Where Love Dwells

Where Love Dwells by Delia Parr Read Free Book Online

Book: Where Love Dwells by Delia Parr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delia Parr
allowed him to start courting me this past month or so, and I’ve promised to give him my answer once all of us have had an opportunity to spend time together for my birthday,” she explained. Pausing, she carefully studied the expression on his facefor any hint that he might find the prospect of his mother getting married again to be problematic.
    To her gracious relief, his gaze softened, and he reached out to take her hand. “Does this very intelligent, very wise man who’s decided to pursue my mother have a name?”
    â€œHe does,” Emma murmured as her cheeks flushed. “How can you be certain he’s either intelligent or wise?”
    â€œBecause he chose you,” her son replied as he squeezed her hand. “What’s his name?”
    â€œZachary Breckenwith. He’s the nephew of my previous lawyer. You do remember him, don’t you?”
    â€œOf course. He came by the General Store quite often.”
    â€œYes, he did. Initially, Mr. Breckenwith came to Candlewood to help his uncle with his law practice when he took ill, but that was right around the time you were getting ready to leave for Albany, so the two of you never met. After his uncle passed on, Mr. Breckenwith decided to move here permanently to help his aunt Elizabeth. He’s living in their house on Main Street, as it turns out, which he purchased after his aunt passed on last year.”
    â€œSo he’s been your lawyer?”
    â€œFor about five years now,” she replied without bothering to mention that Zachary still insisted she needed to retain another lawyer to represent her while they were courting.
    â€œThen you know him well.”
    Mark smiled. “And he knows you well.”
    Her cheeks got warmer. “Yes, I believe he does. Would you . . . I mean, how would you feel if I decided to marry again?”
    â€œI think I’d be relieved, as well as disappointed.”
    She caught her breath for a moment. Although she appreciated the fact that he was as honest with her now as he had alwaysbeen, she was still taken aback by his reply. “Disappointed?” she prompted, upset by the thought she would disappoint any of her sons, especially her youngest.
    â€œYes. I’m disappointed that you would think I wouldn’t approve of anyone you chose to marry, but I am truly, truly relieved to know that you will have someone by your side to love you and care for you, just as Father always did.”
    Tears welled and she blinked them back while she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. “Thank you, Mark.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head. “It appears that we couldn’t have brought this problem of ours to your doorstep at a worse time. The last thing you need in your life right now is to take on responsibility for Wryn. Forget I asked. I’ll talk to Catherine tonight. We’ll simply have to find another way to—”
    â€œNo. Please don’t. Not yet. You’re my son, Mark, and I love Catherine like she was my own daughter simply because she’s your wife and she loves you. She’s also given me two darling grandsons I am looking forward to spoiling for the next few weeks, as well as the promise of another grandchild come fall. We’re family, and if we can’t count on our family to help us when we have a problem, then we can’t count on anyone,” she insisted as she got to her feet. “Let me pray for a few days about what we might do for Wryn to help her the very best way we can. In the meantime, there are two little ones in your grams’ kitchen I’d like to cuddle a bit.”
    He laughed as he got up from his chair. “If they’re having a snack like Catherine suggested, now might not be the best time to cuddle them,” he cautioned. “They’re still a bit messy with their food, despite our best efforts.”
    â€œAnd you weren’t?” she

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