Whisper To Me In The Dark

Whisper To Me In The Dark by Audra Claire Read Free Book Online

Book: Whisper To Me In The Dark by Audra Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Claire
ahead, Rita came running toward them. “Hey girls wait for me. He just would not let me go you know.”
    Angelica bit her lip until she thought she’d drawn blood. But she would not say a word. No matter how much she wanted to. No matter how much it hurt her heart. She would not say one witchy word to that witchy Rita. If Cash wanted her he could darn well have her.
    Later That Night
    “ So what case were you working on?” Angelica asked casually, belying her true irritation.
    “ I wasn’t working on a case. I was in Church. It is a free country. I can enter a Church whenever I want you know.”
    “ I never said that you couldn’t. You don’t have to get all belligerent with me. You didn’t seem to have a problem with it when Rita asked you,” Angelica replied, irritatedly.
    “ Well I lied to her so apparently I did have a problem with it. I was in Church. Sometimes I go to pray. That surprise you? I haven’t exactly led the most exemplary life at times and it makes me feel better to go. Any other questions?” was Cash’s reply.
    Oh darn. She was getting that feeling again. That one when her legs got all weak. All warm and fuzzy feelings for him. He was in Church! Praying. Could he get any more dreamy?
    Cash sat at the kitchen table, leaned the chair against the wall and stretched his long legs and yawned. “Why are you smiling?”
    “ Oh nothing,” Angelica said with a smile.
    Cash looked questioningly at Angelica and laughed to himself. Sometimes he just did not understand what went on in that little head of hers. It must be some party going on up there or something.
    Chapter 8
    Angelica had to admit that she loved her new dressing room. I mean – she had a dressing room! Like she could find one thing wrong with that fact. Full length mirrors ran down one entire wall, giving the room an endless, open airy feeling, like being back home, under the blue sky, in the fields she used to play in as a child. The other three walls were painted a delicate pink, not too gaudy, not too subdued. Just like Angelica herself. Shimmering and shining but always in good taste. She’d make it her home away from home. Heck, it was a thousand times better than her home. She’d love to make it her permanent abode if she only could!
    Angelica floated dreamily around the room, admiring her beautiful dress, with all its intricate pearls and cut glass sewn in made to look like silvery diamonds. Finally, finally she was leading the life she’d always wanted. She wasn’t suffocating back in that awful dusty one horse town.
    A strange shuffling noise quickly brought her back to reality. Turning cautiously to see the source of the commotion, she noticed a massive  raven haired man abruptly filling her doorway, shutting out the light that illuminated the hallway. Suddenly aware of her state of near undress, she pulled her robe off the chair that complemented her beautiful new makeup table and pulled it close to her now shivering body.
    “ Miss I only wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your dancing performance,” the raven haired man began, “and I thought I’d come back here to talk to you since I’m sure we have so much in common.” He leered at her as if she was a delicious piece of pie and he had been stranded on a deserted island for years with no food. He appeared to be at least a hundred years old if he was a day, at least in Angelica’s opinion.
    Angelica thanked him as politely as she could while at the same time attempting to shoo him out the door. “That is so very kind of you sir. I truly appreciate it, but I am on my way out now. But thank you so very much for stopping by.” Angelica’s words stuck in her throat as she protectively pulled her robe closer. Why? Why had she stayed so late in her dressing room after everyone else had already left? How stupid could she be? The owner had told her to lock up after she was done. How foolish could she be to have stayed in that huge dark building all by herself

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