White Christmas

White Christmas by Emma Lee-Potter Read Free Book Online

Book: White Christmas by Emma Lee-Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Lee-Potter
I’d never heard of him before, but I think he’s
some hotshot entrepreneur.’
    Hal’s face was grim. ‘Dan Moody eh? Yep, I know exactly who
he is. Me and him – we go way back. He’s a nasty bit of work. He broke Tasha’s
heart when they were teenagers, and I’ve never forgiven him.’
    Rather than battle her way across London on the tube, Lizzie
splashed out and hailed a cab to Fortnum & Mason. The last thing she wanted
was to arrive flustered and late.
    When the taxi drew up outside the Piccadilly store, with its
elegant façade and distinctive eau de nil decor, Lizzie hesitated before
stepping on to the pavement. She felt uneasy about this meeting and was tempted
to ask the cabbie to turn round and take her straight back to Coco’s.
    But gritting her teeth, she hurried through the food hall,
up the short flight of red-carpeted stairs and into the tearoom. She was bang
on time but Dan Moody was already sitting at a table by the window. He looked
as suave as last night, in a pin-striped suit and pale blue shirt, chatting
easily with his daughter and a young woman.
    Dan smiled warmly when he spotted her.
    ‘Lizzie, come and sit down. You’ve already met my daughter
India. And this is India’s nanny, Scarlett Jones.’
    India Moody gave Lizzie a toothy grin and whispered across
the table: ‘It’s nice to see you again.’
    ‘It’s lovely to see you too,’ said Lizzie. ‘Thank you so
much for asking me.’
    The little girl, in a tartan skirt and navy jumper, had
clearly come straight from school. A notebook and crayons were laid out in
front of her and she immediately thrust a drawing of a Christmas tree in
Lizzie’s direction. Lizzie felt strangely touched by the little girl’s delight
at seeing her again.
    ‘Now, India,’ began Dan. ‘Scarlett’s going to take you
shopping in a moment, but I know you’re keen to talk to Lizzie first.’
    ‘I wanted to ask you a question,’ said India shyly.
    ‘You can ask me anything at all,’ said Lizzie.
    ‘W… what do you want for Christmas?’
    Lizzie chuckled. India’s innocent inquiry was just about the
last question she’d expected.
    ‘Oooh, let me think. Do you know? The one thing in the whole
world I would really like is a dog. A chocolate Labrador called Lulu.’
    India was clearly gripped by Lizzie’s answer.
    “And will your Mummy and Daddy buy you a dog called Lulu?’
she asked eagerly.
    Looking at India’s bright-eyed, innocent face, Lizzie wished
she could be that age again. Everything was so simple when you were seven.
    ‘They won’t, sadly,’ she said. ‘Well, I’m sure they’d like
to, but the thing is… I’ve got a really busy job. And I live in a very small
flat and I haven’t got a garden. So it wouldn’t really be fair on Lulu, would
    ‘S’pose not,’ agreed India. ‘But maybe one day…’
    ‘Maybe,’ agreed Lizzie. ‘But what about you, India? What do
you want for Christmas?’
    The little girl put her head on one side as she puzzled over
Lizzie’s question.
    ‘I want snow,’ she said, her eyes dancing with merriment. ‘I
want it to snow on Christmas Day. Lots and lots of snow so I can go out in my
garden and build a snowman. With a carrot for his nose and buttons for his
eyes. And a red scarf round his neck.’
    Amused by their exchange, Dan patted his daughter’s hand. ‘I
can buy you so many things for Christmas, darling, but the one think I can’t
fix is a White Christmas. You’ll have to put your thinking cap on, I’m afraid,
and come up with some more ideas.’
    He nodded towards Scarlett and the nanny dutifully got to
her feet. She was clearly terrified of Dan, thought Lizzie. She’d barely
uttered a word.
    ‘Now, India darling, Lizzie and I have got some work matters
to go through. So can you run along with Scarlett? Give us half an hour,
Scarlett. I’ll meet you both by the car.’
    Once the pair had gone, Dan turned to Lizzie, in work mode
    ‘I know what you’re

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