Who We Are

Who We Are by Samantha Marsh Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Who We Are by Samantha Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Marsh
she had fallen into under Johnny’s curious eye. As she lay there, her mind wandered back to the other night in the bath tub. Her cheeks flushed as she remembered the waves of pure pleasure that washed over her when everything seemed to explode within. Her private parts stirred with longing as she thought about it. Her hand was resting on her stomach and she was contemplating slipping it under her skirt when she heard a voice behind her.             
    “What are you doing, naughty girl?”
                  Startled by the voice, Desire jumped to her feet but lost her balance and fell backward. It was Johnny, again, and here she was, again, flat on her back, skirt up over her face.
    Oh no ! Not again! This would ruin everything!
    The thought of standing before the congregation awaiting another round of punishment was a humiliation she couldn’t bear to go through again. She didn’t even move, she simply laid there and started to sob.
    Desire felt Johnny kneel beside her. She felt afraid, but more surprised when she heard him softly ask, “Desire, why are you crying?”
    Doubting his seeming concern, she choked out a few words, “Oh Johnny, I know you are going to run back and tell everyone what you just saw. I will be punished severely, again! I cannot do that again! You don’t know what it’s like! The whipping, the starving and, worst of all, the humiliation! Everyone in town will think I am an evil heathen! Can’t you just leave me alone?” She started to cry even harder.
    “Desire, with God as my witness, I never have and never would do anything that would hurt you or make you sad. I would even lie in church to keep you from harm.” He paused for a moment and added, “Don’t you know by now that we live in a creepy world? They seem to know everything. Sometimes, I think they can read our thoughts. I’m sure some all-seeing eye witnesses everything we do. It creeps me out a little.”
    Johnny sat down beside her and didn’t say anything more. He extended his hand. Desire looked at it in front of her and felt anxious, but accepted it anyway. As he helped her to sit up, she asked, “So you didn’t tell on me last time?”
    “Desire, you ran home shoeless without stockings, soaking wet and filthy. Do you really think none of those busybody neighbours noticed? I bet those old bitches couldn’t wait to run and tell your high old Papa.” He looked into her eyes but didn’t say anything else. For a brief moment, felt mesmerized. There was something familiar and safe in those copper-green eyes. She couldn’t explain it, but something deep inside her now told her that Johnny was someone she could trust and someone who would protect her. She had no idea what she would ever need protection from, but the feeling was there just the same.
    As she looked at him, she couldn’t understand why the other girls thought he was creepy. He was actually very handsome. He had soft brownish-red hair and beautiful smooth, beige skin. He had an admirable stature for a young man, and had big and strong hands and arms. Her cheeks flushed a little and a faint tingle stirred in her private area. The tingly feeling made her get up quickly.
    Desire brushed the leaves off her skirt. She put her socks and shoes on and turned to walk away. Before she could take a step, Johnny reached to her and took her hand in his. He didn’t say anything; he just held her hand. It felt so right and a shiver ran up and down her spine. She was not sure how long they stood there together, but it seemed like time stood still for just a moment.
    As they stood there, her voice almost a whisper, she said, “I believe you, Johnny.”
    He gently let her hand go and she turned and walked back to the bushes to get her basket. She turned back one more time. Johnny stood there gazing at her. He smiled at her and she smiled back.
    She was almost frantic with confused feelings as she walked home.
    What on earth happened back there? All

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