Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4

Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4 by Anitra Lynn McLeod Read Free Book Online

Book: Wicked Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 4 by Anitra Lynn McLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anitra Lynn McLeod
man rammed his cock into her? She could understand such a scenario if he’d bound her, and that could be fun, but she wouldn’t tolerate a lifetime of passivity. A strange custom, to be sure, but this teacher, this Viltori, should have taken more time to educate her consort about the wide range of erotic delights available on Diola. At least she’d gotten him to allow her to take him into her mouth. She’d sensed he’d wanted to tell her to stop, but the pleasure had been too great. Sadly, afterwards, he hadn’t been able to meet her gaze. They’d gone to bed with him on the far side, on his back, his gaze riveted on the snow-covered glass ceiling.
    She still felt she’d made progress with him, but they had a very long way to go. Having him suckle her breasts and letting her take his cock into her mouth was just the smallest of the things she wished to do with him. If this teacher wouldn’t help her educate him fully, she’d have the man sent far from the palace. She just might do so anyway. Her greatest fear was that Viltori had deliberately misled her consort to mock her. She would not tolerate such insolence. Perhaps she would have him bound. A hundred hard palace guards pounding away at his upturned bottom would convince him of his foolishness. Picturing the scene caused her cunt to grow slick. She did so enjoy watching men together. They were more aggressive than women were, which was in and of itself arousing. Also, men fought harder for their climax and took what they wanted with a lusty greed she identified with.
    “We will see him after we eat.” Bithia summoned two guards and gave them explicit instructions. They bowed and left to do her bidding.
    Her bondmate watched them go with a frown. “You hurt Viltori?”
    “He will come to me, not I to him. I am the empress. Something that seems to be forgotten far too often lately.” She had never awakened quite so famished or so furious. Usually she woke with a smile on her face as thoughts of seduction filled her mind. This day was all grumbling annoyance at having to fix a problem she should not have. Given her way, she would have called in those two palace guards, thrown off her crimson robe, and fucked and sucked her way into oblivion. Instead, she would spend the day in tedious instructions.
    Picking at his food, her bondmate finally pushed the plate away and met her gaze. “You no like me.” White shards spiraled around the black of his pupil, hypnotizing her with his terrible sadness and unbearable shame. “I will die.”
    “Not this again.” Bithia rolled her eyes, trying desperately to distance herself from the raw emotions he displayed. His face remained stoic, but his eyes said more than words ever could. How could he convey so much with his gaze alone? “I’m not going to kill you. I’m going to train you.” After she spoke, she realized how cold she sounded. Softening her tone, she said, “I need Viltori to help me teach you our ways.” Although that wasn’t quite true. She wanted to teach him her ways. She wanted to teach him what she liked, what she didn’t, not that there were very many things she didn’t like, other than total passivity. To her, sex was a lavish banquet, and she wanted to sample every dish. Once she found a favorite, she would gorge herself to the fullest, then return to sampling until she found a new favorite. She never tired of her endless pursuit of pleasure.
    “If I do not do what you…” He paused, searching for the words, but he didn’t have to bother. She knew what he was trying to say. He wanted to know if he didn’t do what she wanted, would she kill him then?
    Bithia wanted to shake him until he understood that she would never do that. Just what kind of a planet did he come from? That thought stopped her cold. Of course, he didn’t know she would never hurt him. He believed if he displeased her, even a little bit, she would simply kill him. What kind of a deal had Ambo struck with his people to

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