Wielder: Apprentice: Book 1 of Lady Shey's Story (The Wielder Cycle)

Wielder: Apprentice: Book 1 of Lady Shey's Story (The Wielder Cycle) by Mark E Tyson Read Free Book Online

Book: Wielder: Apprentice: Book 1 of Lady Shey's Story (The Wielder Cycle) by Mark E Tyson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark E Tyson
Tags: epic fantasy
treatment over a commoner such as herself. If Sheyna was going to the prestigious Vale of Morgoran to be apprenticed, you could bet that Princess Marella Arden would be going as well.
    Sheyna opened her empty hand and concentrated on bringing the green statuette back. “Let’s see if the enchantment I put on it works as I intended.” A few seconds later and the statuette appeared firmly in her hand. “No one will ever steal you away from me!” she said to the statuette, and then dropped it into her front dress pocket. She waited a few moments and then headed down the hallway after Marella. At Mistress Enowene’s chamber, she could hear Marella ranting and raving. When she, at last, heard hurried footsteps coming toward the door, she hid around the corner. Marella stormed out of the chamber and disappeared down the hall. Sheyna strolled up to Mistress Enowene’s door and gently rapped on it.
    “You may enter.”
    Sheyna pushed the door open. Enowene was seated behind her wooden desk, quill and parchment in hand.
    “Ah, come in Sheyna,” Enowene said.
    Sheyna closed the door and went to face the headmistress. “Mistress Enowene, I wish to report a theft.”
    “What sort of theft? What was taken?”
    “A small, green statuette of an elven woman that my mother gave to me.”
    Mistress Enowene suddenly appeared concerned. “Where did you see it last?”
    “In my room. A little wielder took it; he pretended to be a coat rack. Where do the boys apprentice? I would know him if I saw him.”
    “He was disguised as a coat rack? That is a singular bit of wielding, not easily done. Are you certain it was a boy?”
    Sheyna thought for a moment. “He looked more like a small man.”
    “Kyrie,” Enowene muttered.
    “You know who took it?”
    “Possibly, and if it is who I think it is, I will get your possession back.”
    Sheyna produced the statuette. “No need; I have it here.”
    Enowene considered what she was seeing. “Perhaps you should explain.”
    “I don’t know the term you would use for it, but I willed for the statuette to never be lost from me. If I concentrate on it, it comes back to me. I suppose I enchanted it, correct?”
    “You used an enchantment!” Enowene said, astonished.
    “Regardless of what I did to retrieve it, it was taken from me. Just because I got it back doesn’t excuse the crime.”
    “I agree. You are correct. I will have the grounds searched for the perpetrator.”
    “Thank you, mistress.” Sheyna curtsied and proceeded to leave.
    “Wait, before you leave, I think I should tell you that it has been decided that you may stay here and train.”
    Sheyna stopped in her tracks. “What? Has something changed? I thought it was too dangerous here.”
    “Aye, circumstances have changed as the wielders who wish to apprentice you are currently traveling here. They also feel that the enemy is no longer hunting for you here.”
    “Hunting for me? That makes it sound like I am some sort of prey.” She turned to look at Enowene. “Who is this enemy I have never met who hunts me?”
    Enowene sighed and put the feather pen she was using in the inkwell. “Honestly, we don’t know for sure. You might want to sit down for this. I fear what I am about to convey to you is the fabric of nightmares.”
    Sheyna, concern apparent on her face, sat in one of the chairs in front of Enowene’s desk.
    “There are rumors among the dragons of an ancient evil. The dragons speak of some sort of dragon kin twisted and forced to the will of malevolent forces. Some say the old gods were jealous of their gentler kin and created abominations to harm them. Morgoran and Toborne have been working with the dragons to try and discover what can be done to protect ourselves from the shadows.”
    “Why would these shadows want me? I am nobody.”
    “I was not certain until a few moments ago when you told me about how you enchanted that statuette. Enchantment is a rare gift, and the fact you possess it puts you in

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