Wild Texas Rose

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Book: Wild Texas Rose by Martha Hix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martha Hix
“We’re adults, not children. Surely we can come to an agreement that’ll appeal to your sensitivity.”
    Still wary of his motives, she said, “You confuse me.” In more ways than one! “I’ve traveled a long, long way on my own, and I’m no worse for the wear. Now that I’m within a few days of reaching my destination, I see absolutely no reason to change my travel plans. Yet you’re bound and determined to take me under your wing. Or should I say throw me over your saddle? Why are you doing this? For my safety?”
    â€œExactly.” Whit gave a lopsided grin. “I’ve told you why this is important to me. I made Joe a promise. Out here in the West, we all depend on our neighbors.” He dropped one hand, rearranging the placement of his fingers so his grip was now a handshake. “I couldn’t sleep at night if I thought I hadn’t done all I could for Joe. And for you, as well, since you belong to him.”
    On a less solemn note, he added, “Besides, you can cut three days off your travel time by not waiting for the stage.”
    His statement penetrated her misgivings somewhat. Her hand was still held by his, and despite the honor his words implied, Mariah couldn’t help but notice the tightness pressing against her breast and settling below her midriff. She made up her mind to ignore it, however, and to ask the question that had nagged her for the past half hour. “What caused you and Joseph to become friends?”
    Whit shrugged. “We’re neighbors, that’s all. . . but I do respect his determination.”
    â€œI’d like to hear more.”
    â€œFor Pete’s sake, I don’t know how to word it.”
    He gave the indications of discomfort–shuffled feet, cleared throat, restless eyes. “We share common interests.”
    Baffled by her feelings as well as by the unlikely situation between this rough-and-tumble Texan and the soft-palmed nobleman, Mariah shook her head. “But you and Joseph seem to be opposites.”
    â€œRight.” He offered no further explanation. “Now, what’s your answer?”
    She was beginning to weaken. “It wouldn’t be proper, my accompanying you without a chaperone.”
    â€œNo problem, if that’s all the bother. There’s a gal in town for my niece’s wedding. Lives close to Trick’em, you see. I’m sure Gail Strickland can be persuaded to act as your chaperone.”
    If Gail was anything akin to the boisterous blonde, Mariah was leery of such a companion. “I’ve seen one of your gals, and she isn’t my cup of tea.”
    â€œGail is a relative, not just any woman.” A muscle tightened in his cheek. “Furthermore, there’s nothing wrong with Barbara Catley. Granted, she’s no grand lady marrying a viscount, but she’s a hardworking woman who’s making the best of what life has to offer.”
    â€œI meant no offense.” Mariah’s words were sincere; she hadn’t wished to sound snobbish. “Maybe you could tell me more about Gail?”
    â€œShe’s married to a Coleman County rancher. You might find her a tad sharp-tongued. Sort of vinegar and sugar, if you will. Anyway, I think the world of her. Gail Strickland is ... uh ... rather like the daughter I never had.”
    Ignoring an elderly woman with her ear trumpet trained on their conversation as she hobbled by them, Mariah glanced at the ground. She had seen Whit in action with Barbara, had heard tales from his sister, yet his feelings were tender for a sharp-tongued relative. And apparently he was just as loyal to Joseph. Whit Reagor was a more complex man than she had first imagined.
    While the issue of propriety was out of the way, what about her improper excitement that wouldn’t settle down?
    â€œWill you allow me to escort you to Joe?” he asked.
    Wordlessly, she took three steps to

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