Wilde at Heart
immobility only sharpened the edge of pleasure slicing through him. Heat pooled at the base of his spine, his muscles quaked, and his balls drew up tight. He wasn’t going to last, and she wasn’t showing him any mercy, assaulting him with her tongue and a light scrape of teeth that sent him into orbit.
    Unable to hold still any longer, he curled his fingers around the tie holding his wrists, planted his feet on the mattress, and used the leverage to thrust against the soft, wet heat of her mouth. She moaned and the sound vibrated up his shaft, nailed him in the gut, and that was all it took. The orgasm ripped from him, left him breathless and boneless, all but a shuddering puddle there on the bed. Shelby relaxed on top of him, her head resting on his hip, her breath fanning over his still-hard cock. Her skin felt hot against his, and slight trembles vibrated through her into him. Damn, he needed her to release his hands so he could do for her what she had done for him.
    “Shelby.” His voice came out raw, and he had to clear his throat. “Let me taste you again.”
    For a moment, she didn’t move. Then she pushed herself up and looked at him. Her cheeks were flushed, her turquoise and purple hair tousled, her lips plump and wet, and he was mesmerized by the sight of her.
    At least until she said, “No,” and got up off the bed.
    Reece blinked. “What? Wait, where are you going?”
    She pushed her hair back from her face, then draped a blanket over him. She found his cell phone in his pants pocket and pushed it into his hand. “Maybe the casino. Or a dance club. Haven’t decided yet, but I plan to get shitfaced and forget this day ever happened.”
    “You can’t just leave me like this.”
    “I don’t understand the problem. You had an orgasm,” she said from the doorway, throwing his own words back at him so sweetly his teeth ached. Then she was gone.
    He heard the outer door click shut and groaned, dropping his head to the pillow. He gave his wrists a good tug, but that only tightened the tie. He tried again and the material constricted hard around his wrists.
    Jesus. What kind of knot had she used?
    He looked at the phone and groaned again, then hit the speed dial.
    Fuck. He was going to regret this.
    “D on’t. Say. A. Word.”
    Greer just stared at him for an endless five seconds, then finally shook his head and walked into the bedroom, drawing a pocketknife from his jacket. “I’d guarantee something like this from Jude. Expect it from Vaughn. Hell, even Cam, I wouldn’t be surprised. But you?” He cut the silk material in one clean slice. “I could live a million years and I’d’ve never expected to find you tied to a bed with your cock hanging out.”
    Reece sat up and rubbed his hands together, trying to work some feeling back into his fingers. “I told you, not a word.”
    Greer scooped up Shelby’s thong with the tip of his knife and raised a brow. Leopard print. Because of course it was. “Not really a good look for you, bro.”
    “You know damn well it isn’t mine.”
    “Yeah, and I’m intrigued.” Greer flipped the thong toward him and it landed on his face, the lacy strap getting caught on his nose. He snatched it away, but not before he got a lung full of Shelby’s scent. Lust shot through his blood and settled in his cock.
    Jesus. Even with his brother in the room, her scent lit his fuse and set him off like he was a fucking firework. He needed to find her and when he did…
    Oh, she was going to pay for this.
    “I’d always kinda wondered if you were a tightly closeted gay,” Greer said, and that snapped him out of his lusty thoughts as good as a punch in the balls. “Or…I don’t know. Asexual?”
    For a second, Reece’s mouth didn’t work. “Y-you what ?”
    “It’s fine if you are,” Greer added. “I don’t care who you fuck. Or don’t fuck. That’s your business. You’ll always be my brother, no matter what.”
    “I’m not gay.

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