Winterland Destiny

Winterland Destiny by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Winterland Destiny by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Tags: Book - Paranormal Erotica Series
considering the possibility of attack by the wizards.
    “You worry for your people,” she said, not realizing until he turned toward her that she had said the words aloud.
    “Aye. It is my duty as king.”
    “Not all kings concern themselves with the welfare of their people. You are an honorable man to take your duties so seriously.”
    “I do what is necessary. What I have been destined for.”
    “My apologies to you, Garick,” she said, feeling somehow responsible for taking his focus from his duties.
    He turned to her and frowned. “For what?”
    “Our marriage. It is quite clear that an attack of the wizards is imminent, and yet you must leave your duties to attend to our marriage. If it were not because of faerie custom that I must marry on the day of the Winter Solstice, our union could have been delayed to a much safer time.” His gaze held hers, and Noele lost herself in his wintry eyes. She wished she could read him telepathically. After tomorrow, they would be linked mentally as well as physically. Maybe then she would have some insight into his thoughts and feelings.
    “You are no more responsible for the timing of our marriage than I, Noele. Elvin custom also requires it, so do not take this responsibility upon yourself.”
    “Nevertheless, I will alert the faerie in attendance to gird up their magic and be alert in case of attack.
    We are a small group, but have some powers of our own. We, too, have fought the wizards for centuries. It is my duty as your intended to assist you in any way I can.” His lips curled in a smile that sent her pulse skittering. “And would you take up a sword and defend me to the death, my princess?”
    The low and husky whisper of his statement, meant only for her ears, sent her body into full awareness of exactly what she’d be willing to do for him. “Aye, if need be, Garick. I am as sworn to protect you as you are to protect me. It is my duty, and my pleasure, to do so.” Although she’d probably fall over onto her backside trying to wield one of his swords.
    Garick’s eyes widened and he threw his head back, laughing so loud it captured the attention of everyone in the hall.
    “Now, that might be worth seeing, my faerie,” he whispered, still chuckling. He swept the back of his hand over her cheek, his fiery gaze burning through her. “I’d like to catch another glimpse of that delectable backside of yours. Very soon, I will.”
    Stardust! He’d crept into her mind and read her thoughts. How easily she let her guard down around him, despite her intent to keep a wall between her mind and his. She must work harder to do so, lest he find out more about her thoughts than she wanted him to know.
    “Would you like that, princess?”
    “What is that, my king?”
    “Would you like me to view your body, naked, your legs spread apart so that I can glimpse your beauty?”
    Visuals assaulted her mind. Lying down, her legs spread, her pussy open to Garick’s view. She wriggled uncomfortably on the hard bench, wishing she were anywhere else right now except under his probing gaze. “It is always my pleasure to serve you, Garick.” She felt the heat shoot from his body to hers, and had to grip the table to keep from sliding into a puddle on the floor. By the gods, how had he done that to her? Glancing down at his lap, she saw his erection outlined against his breeches. He slipped his hand in hers and gently pulled her arm under the table, pressing her palm over his rigid cock.
    “Feel what you do to me, Noele. I am hot and hard and ready for you.” Panting at the meal table would be unseemly, but by the stars she struggled to maintain even breathing.
    Garick’s wicked smile unnerved her, and when he moved his hips and thrust his cock upwards against her hand, she nearly whimpered out loud.
    “Are you ready to feel my shaft inside you, my faerie? Do you think about how it will feel?” She was certain her face flamed red from embarrassment. How could he discuss

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