Witches Under Way

Witches Under Way by Debora Geary Read Free Book Online

Book: Witches Under Way by Debora Geary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debora Geary
    Lauren flashed a grin.  “I do.”  And then she walked in the door and cracked up laughing.
    Jennie stepped inside and hugged her nephew, who was lounging at the front counter.  “Is everybody craving noodles today?”
    Jamie chuckled.  “That’s what happens when every witch in town is sick for a week.  Aervyn ate his bodyweight in waffles this morning.  Carb-loading for the big fight, I think.”
    She’d missed something.  Jennie frowned.  “What fight?”
    Lauren grabbed her arm.  “Wait, didn’t Lizard talk to you?”  She pushed a hand against Jamie’s chest.  “Back off, buster—I saw her first.”
    He held up his hands and grinned.  “Okay, but I have no idea what you guys are up to, bringing a pack of mind witches to a water-balloon fight.”
    Jennie was catching on quickly.  Water-balloon fights were a Witch Central summer tradition.  Is it worth trying to play the old-lady card?  Or applying to be the official event photographer?
    Both her companions snickered.  Jamie wrapped an arm around her shoulders.  “I know one four-year-old who would be happy to set a waterproofing spell on your camera.  He does good work.”  He grinned.  “And the old-lady thing won’t fly either…”
    He stopped talking, mind barriers slammed down, and whistled at the ceiling.
    Lauren scowled.  “You’re awfully perky about this fight.  Ginia and Aervyn have most of the useful witching talent on their team.”
    Jamie just grinned.  “We have Elsie.”
    Jennie was getting left behind again—and Jamie’s mind was no longer leaking any hints.  “She’s a fire witch, Jamie.  She’s going to fizzle the first time somebody drenches her.”  A very brave somebody—most fire witches didn’t appreciate being wet.
    “It’s not her magic that’s going to carry us to victory.  It’s her brain.”  He looked far too sure of himself.  “So if you want to join the winning team, it sounds like you haven’t been officially recruited yet.”
    Lauren casually picked up a menu from the counter and glanced his way.  “I hear your teammates always end up the wettest.”
    The arm around Jennie’s shoulders gave another squeeze.  “Ah, but she’s my favorite aunt.  She’d never let me down.”
    “Such wonderful offers,” said Jennie, more than a little amused.  Ah, it was good to be out of bed and back in the world again.  She kissed Jamie’s cheek.  “But I was on your team last summer.  I’ll see if Lauren can give me better odds at avoiding drowned-rat status.”
    Whatever retort Jamie might have come up with got derailed by a waiter arriving with his bag of takeout.  “Gotta go.  Pregnant woman waiting.”  He gave Lauren a quick hug and then shook his head at Jennie, eyes twinkling.  “Pretty sure you’re going to live to regret that decision.  I think Elsie was a general in a previous life.  She’s a strategic genius.”
    That sounded oddly possible.  Jennie watched his retreating back, bemused.  Not that it mattered a whole lot—nobody emerged dry from a water-balloon fight, and there really wasn’t all that much difference between soaked and drowned.  She turned back to Lauren.  “So, do we have a strategic genius in our camp?”
    “Sure.”  Lauren grinned.  “Why do you think I worked so hard to recruit you?”
    ~ ~ ~
    Elsie clutched her new purchase, staring at the miniature instructions in distress.  Even if she could squint and read them, none of it seemed to match the parts of her new iPod.  The last music player she’d owned had possessed two slots for cassette tapes and buttons clearly labeled On, Play, and Stop.
    She’d gone into the Apple store armed with all the latest research, determined to find a way to explore the world of music.  The salesperson had been very nice.  He’d found her the kind of earphones you could use and still hear traffic noise and not ruin your hearing.  He’d helpfully explained storage and screens

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