Witching You Were Here (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Book 3)

Witching You Were Here (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Book 3) by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: Witching You Were Here (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Book 3) by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda M. Lee
    “What’s wrong?” Clove asked curiously. “I thought you were getting along with him better?”
    “That was before Edith told me that he was having secret conversations with someone behind my back.”
    “Edith needs more to do with her day,” Thistle said. “I think you should suggest a few more visits with Aunt Tillie.”
    “I’m trying not to piss her off this week,” I said. “I’d like to have a clear complexion when I have dinner with Landon.”
    “So, you’ve decided to go?” Clove asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
    I answered the phone instead of acknowledging her question.. “Hey Brian. What’s up?”
    “I have a new advertiser at the newspaper,” Brian answered. “He’s going to be throwing a lot of business our way, but he wants to meet with the editor of the paper first.”
    “Why?” I knew most of the paper’s advertisers. They usually didn’t want one-on-one meetings with me.
    “I don’t know why,” Brian said. “I just think you should do it. We could use a good influx of cash.”
    Despite the dire straits the news industry currently found itself mired in, The Whistler made a solid profit each year. We had a stable advertising business, and tourists bought up as many copies of the paper as possible because they thought it was quaint. They used it as mementos for their photo books and, I imagined, to laugh over with their friends during cocktail hour when they got back to the “big city.” Still, I knew that Brian wanted to make as much money as possible. I didn’t see the harm in agreeing to his request.
    “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” I said. “I’m at Hypnotic. It won’t take me long to get there.”
    “Good,” Brian said and then disconnected.
    When I put my phone back in my pocket, Thistle and Clove were watching me expectantly. “He wants me to meet with some new advertiser.”
    “Who?” Thistle asked. She had never liked or trusted Brian.
    “I have no idea,” I said honestly.
    “Have you heard of any new businesses coming to town?” Thistle turned to Clove.
    “No, but that doesn’t mean anything,” Clove said. She had been nursing a backdoor crush on Brian Kelly since she’d met him. I was hoping that crush would disappear now that Trevor was on the scene. Clove was too good for Brian, quite frankly.
    “I’ll tell you who it is when I get home tonight,” I said, dismissing Thistle’s concerns outright. “How bad can it be to meet with an advertiser, right?”
    Clove looked me up and down dubiously. “You probably should have straightened your hair this morning. You look like you’ve spent time in a wind tunnel.”
    “The air is really dry,” I reminded her.
    “That doesn’t explain your hair.”
    “Oh, good grief,” I huffed. “Go back to talking about me behind my back while I’m gone.”
    “Don’t worry,” Thistle winked. “We will. I might even call my mom and get her in on the action.”
    “Don’t you dare! If you tell your mom, she’ll tell my mom and Landon will be forced out there for dinner.”
    “I told you,” Thistle said blithely. “Winter bores me. I have to get my entertainment where I can.”
    “Don’t worry,” Clove said placatingly. “I won’t let her use the phone.”
    “If you do,” I threatened. “I’ll tell Aunt Tillie it was your idea for them to use her wine closet for the new furnace.”
    “That’s not true,” Clove protested.
    “Aunt Tillie doesn’t know that,” I said as I strutted out of the store.
    “I think Bay is catching Marnie’s menopause madness,” I heard Thistle say before the door shut behind me.
    When I got back to The Whistler, I dropped my coat and hat off in my office before heading to Brian’s office. Edith was waiting for me when I got there. “Who’s in there?” I asked.
    “I don’t know,” she admitted. “He looks familiar, but I just can’t place him.”
    “He doesn’t look evil, does he?”
    “What does evil look like?” Edith

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