With Her Capture
    “Magda,” he repeated, still keeping his voice
low. Although this time so not to scare her.
    The aroma from the wood burning and mixture
of scents from the soap and shampoo would make it difficult for her
to smell his presence, especially in her human form. Spotting the
towel he’d brought her folded next to the tub, he stepped forward
and picked it up.
    Magda splashed water on him as she rinsed her
face. He watched more sudsy trails glide down the swell of her
    “Oh my fucking tail!” Magda exploded when she
finally noticed him.
    More water splashed against his jeans when
she panicked inside the tub. Ayden immediately regretted not being
more insistent that she know he was there when he smelled her
shock, fear and instant outrage.
    “What are you doing here?” she demanded.
    Males and females of their kind often saw
each other naked when changing before group runs. An unmated female
on a run, however, was usually shrouded by her litter, protecting
her from the hungry eyes of unmated males. Ayden didn’t doubt for a
second that was the look he gave her at that moment. Hungry.
Fucking starving!
    In spite of holding her towel up for her,
from his new vantage point, it was easy to see into the water.
Magda’s pussy was completely shaved. It was all he was able to
manage not to start drooling as he stared.
    Magda pulled her knees to her chest and
wrapped her arms around them, robbing Ayden of his view. At the
same time, the bar of soap that was in the water flew out of the
    He was thankful for quick reflexes. Ayden
ducked before the wet bar of soap nailed him in the forehead. He
masked his expression and did his best to keep his scent from
revealing his thoughts. Although, he wasn’t sure whether to laugh
or get pissed. Letting her sniff out either emotion probably
wouldn’t be in his favor at the moment.
    “ Ma beaute noire ,” he grumbled, his
voice scratchy, the only indication of how aroused she had him at
the moment. He was proud of himself for not drowning out the heady
smells of burning wood and her scented bath with his lust. “I ran a
fair bit of this mountain today trying to get clothes for you that
I hope will fit.”
    “I’m not your black beauty,” she said
    “That water will get cold.” He ignored her
comment and held up the open towel he’d picked up off the cave
floor. “Come here.”
    Magda sighed, taking her attention off him
and to the towel that he held spread open for her. Relenting, she
stood. She was tall, willowy with refined muscles in her legs and
arms. Her tummy was flat, smooth, but not too hallowed. He already
knew she’d been on the run, although not yet for how long.
Apparently she hadn’t completely starved. She wasn’t skeletal. Far
from it. Magda had curves in all the right places and smooth, soft,
silky looking skin that wasn’t marred with too many scars or
bruises. Her dark hair clung to her back. Water droplets rushed
down her body into the bath water. When she stepped out of the tub,
Ayden reached for her, assisting and wrapping her in the large
    “Why are you doing this?” she asked instead
of thanking him. Magda secured the towel under her arm so it stayed
put, hiding her beautiful breasts and incredibly desirable pussy
from him.
    “Doing what?” He remained where he was when
she walked to the fire.
    Since he’d been there she’d found the perfect
size and shaped rock to use as a place to sit. It was situated by
the fire and she sat on it, stretching her long legs out in front
of her.
    “This.” She gestured around her, then picked
up the hairbrush he’d brought her with the other toiletries and
held it up as an example.
    Ayden decided to use it as an invitation and
moved behind her, taking the brush before she lowered her hand.
“You didn’t like your bath?” Without asking, he lifted her wet hair
and began untangling it.
    Magda sighed but didn’t stop him. She
obediently stared ahead and allowed him to brush her

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