With Her Capture
the truth as to why he needed
    If need be, he would have lied. And granted,
he might have taken some advantage knowing what most on the
mountain thought of his litter. His great-great great grandsire had
first brought his litter here from the north when they’d hunted
their way down from Alaska. His mama’s litter had lived on this
mountain almost as long. There wasn’t anyone on this mountain who
didn’t know and respect him and his littermate.
    Ayden would run with his head held just as
high tomorrow for what he said today in order to get the supplies
for Magda. He had howled to two different dens, litters he knew had
females living there. Of course they sniffed him from head to toe,
giggled and smelled incredibly amused at his request. Mamas pushed
their unmated daughters out the front door of their dens to hand
over supplies and flirt mercilessly with him, but he had gotten
what he’d needed. Maybe a few of them believed a litter that had
been hunting buddies with his sire and mama had a sick female, who
couldn’t get out on her own, and needed a few personal items. Part
of what he’d howled had been the truth. He did know a female who
wasn’t able to run and get toiletries.
    Ayden left his thoughts and where he’d waited
and began climbing the rocks toward the cave. He breathed in the
smell of perfumed soap, vanilla smelling shampoo, and conditioner.
He heard a fire crackling with decent strength. He smelled and saw
smoke bellowing out from behind her rocks and branches hiding the
entrance to the cave. This wasn’t ideal hunting ground and the
mountain water grew deeper as it curved around the mountain making
fishing better there. Hopefully no one would wander to this
location and sniff out the smoke, or worse yet, an unmated
    Once he reached the ledge outside the cave,
Ayden dropped the bag he’d been carrying in his mouth. The change
turned his blood to fire. His spine prickled and electrical charges
sizzled his flesh when his hide softened.
    Right before his senses muted, Magdaline
sighed. It was the sound of a female content, at peace with her
world. Ayden bristled, causing the change to freeze momentarily in
his system.
    The pain tore at him but didn’t last long. In
truth, he barely gave it a thought. His mind whirled at his ability
to transform this female from a hunted, angry werewolf into one
sounding so happy.
    Ayden adjusted his weight and stood on two
legs, instantly frozen by the mountain air and frigid chill
embracing his bare skin. He struggled with the bag he’d hauled with
him, pulling out clothes that he then hurried into before once
again securing the bag.
    “Magda,” he said, making sure his voice
didn’t carry outside the cave.
    He pushed branches aside and squeezed around
rocks that were harder to pass than they would have been in his
fur. As soon as he was inside the cave, warmth from the fire began
thawing his frozen flesh. He probably would have instantly warmed
had there been no fire. Ayden stared, transfixed, at Magdaline as
she soaked in the makeshift tub he’d brought her.
    Her eyes were closed and long, damp black
lashes fanned just above high, perfectly sculptured cheek bones.
Her dark hair was wet and she’d twisted it above her head so as to
wash the rest of her body. Thick streams of soapy bubbles trailed
down her dark skin. She’d filled the tub enough so that she sank
into it, leaving the swell of her breasts to her nipples exposed
above the water.
    His gaze locked on the tip of those round
brown buds. He saw how they puckered. Just under the water, her
hardened nipples peaked at the center of perfectly round, full
breasts. The previous night, with her in the baggy sweatshirt, it
hadn’t been as easy to see the details of her figure. But now, with
her knees sticking out of the water and her hands moving, creating
waves that splashed against flesh the shade of cinnamon, Ayden saw
a perfect female.
    She brought water up in her hands to splash
against her

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