so obvious you were lying! Your mom works Friday nights. Besides, my parents make Jimmy tag along, remember?”
“Let me take care of that,” she said with a wink as they walked to their next class.
“So according to your parents you, Jimmy, and I are going to a movie. Come to my house like you always do, and we’ll figure it out from there,” Mayra explained.
“Ugh. It’s like last year all over again,” Ariana replied, frowning. She did not want a repeat.
“No, it’s not. You’re going to a movie with a really nice guy. He’s not your boyfriend, although that could change by the end of the night.”
Ariana smiled. Good thing they were on the phone so her friend couldn’t see. She sighed. “I’ll be at your house in an hour.”
“Don’t worry. I already talked to Jimmy. He knows what’s going on.”
“Okay.” They hung up, and Ariana began getting ready, although she wondered if Jimmy would have a problem with her going out with Lucas without her parents knowing. They had already asked permission for all three of them to go out together, but that wasn’t what was gonna happen, and it made Ariana nervous.
Twenty minutes later, she got a text from Lucas.
We still on for tonight? :)
She replied.
Yep :)
She had been texting Lucas for a couple of days. Before, their texts had always been about the project they were working on. Now they talked about other stuff. She liked talking to him. He was funny and kind. And kind of hot. She had made up her mind yesterday that if she had another boyfriend in high school, she wanted him to be like Lucas.
She finished getting her hair done and changed into something nicer than what she wore to school, but not too flashy either. She finally settled on blue skinny jeans with a black v-neck top and nice sandals. She straightened her hair and put a few pins in it and then put on some makeup, a bit more than usual. When she looked in the mirror, she felt like a million dollars.
There was a knock at her door, and Jimmy came in.
“You look nice.”
“Thanks.” She turned towards him.
“You ready?” He hung out by the door.
“Yep. So what did Mayra tell you?”
“That you’re going out with a friend.” He sat down on her bed. He was a bit dressed up himself. She wondered where he was going.
“And where are you going to be, and why aren’t you complaining?” she wondered out loud.
“Because let’s say I’ll be on a date of my own.” He winked.
“Who?” she pressed.
“You don’t know her,” Jimmy said as he lay back.
“Well, I want to know her if you’ve suddenly fallen out of love with Mayra and in love with this girl. Does Mayra know?”
He nodded. “Don’t worry.” He put his arm around her, and they went to living room, where her parents were watching TV after having had dinner together. She took her purse from Jimmy and slung it on her shoulder.
“We’re leaving. We’ll be back later.” They gave each of their parents a hug and kiss.
“Call me when you get there,” her mom said. “Remember to be back by eleven. Are you picking up Ryan and Mayra?”
“Ryan couldn’t come today, but we’re getting Mayra right now.” Jimmy answered, a little too quickly.
Ariana wondered what he and Mayra were up to.
They said bye one last time and shut the front door behind them. Less than a minute later, they were in Mayra’s driveway.
“Mayra told me she wasn’t coming today,” she said, looking at Jimmy.
“She’s not,” he said.
“Then why are we here?”
“For my date.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. She rolled down the window. “I’m not going either.”
“What is this?” She stared at Jimmy.
“You remember last year when I got Mom and Dad to let us go to that party?”
She nodded.
“Remember what our deal was in exchange for that?
She tried to remember. Then it clicked. She gasped. “You? Mayra?”
He nodded with the biggest smile on his face she had ever
The Education of Lady Frances