Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel

Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel by Arabella Abbing Read Free Book Online

Book: Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel by Arabella Abbing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Abbing
painful ones. But I could never bring myself to get rid of it either. It just felt too... important.
    I pulled the hanger off the bar and slid the dress off, quickly shedding my pajamas and stepping into it. I pulled it up and closed my eyes as I reached behind me and attempted to pull up the zipper.
    A mere moment later, I let out a happy sigh.
    It still fits.
    I opened my eyes and wandered over to my mirror, smiling when I realized that it looked even better now than it had before. I hadn’t grown much since I was eighteen, but time had morphed my body from that of a teenager to a fully-grown adult woman. The difference usually bugged me—nobody liked the idea of aging—but looking at my reflection now... I felt beautiful. Timeless.
    It was then that I realized I couldn’t pass up this chance. We had parted on awful terms and if I didn’t take the leap and at least attempt to fix things between us, it was going to eat at me for the rest of my life.
    Once upon a time, Brandon had been one of the most important people in my life. I couldn’t deny the fact that I wanted that closeness back.
    With a sense of renewed determination, I slipped off the dress and back into my pajamas, taking special care to place the gown into my suitcase before I went back to my closet to finish packing.
    A s soon as the announcement that the flight was about to begin boarding echoed over the intercom, I hopped out of my seat and wandered over to wait near the area to line up. Brandon had purchased a first class ticket for me, so I knew I’d be among the first group to get on the plane.
    Which I really needed to do. Like, immediately. The desire to turn tail and run was strong and I wanted to forcefully strap myself into the seat before my panicking hit an all-time high.
    Only a few short minutes later and I was relaxing back into the window seat, taking a long, deep breath as I tried to slow my wildly beating heart.
    No turning back now , I thought as I glanced up and eyed the long string of people boarding the plane.
    I closed my eyes and willed myself to calm down with the reminder that once we were in the air, I’d have the chance to pester a flight attendant for some liquid courage. I just needed to make it until then and I’d be good to go.
    Yeah, good choice. Turn to alcohol again. Because it’s done you so much good thus far.
    I softly growled at my internal voice, then felt the weight of a stare on my face and smiled sheepishly at the older man sharing the aisle with me. He gave me a quizzical glance before turning back to his newspaper and I let out a long sigh.
    Even though I logically knew it was probably only half an hour until liftoff then four hours in the air until we reached St. Thomas Island, it still felt like it was going to take a lifetime.
    “Hmm?” I hummed, turning to the gentleman on my right.
    His brow creased to a frown and he asked, “Are you all right?”
    “Y-Yeah, I’m fine.”
    “Are you sure? You’re looking mighty pale,” he commented before folding his newspaper and angling his body to get a better look at me. “Not much of a flyer, eh?”
    I quickly realized that it probably appeared that way and I gave the man a kind smile for his concern. “No, it’s not that. It’s more about who I’m going to see than the actual flying itself.”
    He chuckled knowingly and smiled. “I’m sure whoever this person is will be pleased to see a young lady as pretty as yourself.”
    His words were spoken kindly, almost in a paternal sort of way, and for some reason that just made it all the more difficult for me to shake off. I covered my face in my hands and shook my head, mumbling against my palms.
    “We didn’t exactly part on good terms. I highly doubt he’ll be happy to see me.”
    “A lost love, then?”
    I uncovered my face and flattened my lips into a thin line, nodding absently as I relived our last meeting.
    “You could say that.”
    December 2008

    “ H urry up ,

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