will,” Jesse responded. His teeth clenched tight. The vein running vertically down the right side of his forehead throbbed with each heartbeat.
It never really had been in my rebellious nature to take orders.
“And you are?” Lt. Davis asked.
“Jolene Miller, I’ll be representing Mr. Steele.”
“Don’t you fucking do it, girl.”
I shoved Pop’s voice out of my head. “I’m assuming we can’t get in to see a judge until tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I’ll be down to meet with my client, in let’s say, two hours for booking?”
Davis nodded. “We can do that.”
We followed the officer as he walked out the front door. Ronin was already in the back of one of the five squad cars outside.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, little girl.”
“Yeah, Pop. Looks like I’m getting back into the family business.”
A slight smirk crept in the corner of my mouth when I noticed the rip in the upholstery of the backseat. I had been in this same goddamn cage too many times to count, spanning all the way back to grade school. If I had paid any kind of taxes over the years, I might have been pissed to be hauled downtown in such a raggedy ass cop car.
“Hey boys, you interrupted family supper. How ‘bout we pick up some chicken or pizza. I’m buying.”
Officer Roberts snorted. “Family supper? What a joke. Bunch of gang thugs doing drugs and banging each other’s chicks. Not exactly what normal people refer to as family.”
“Shut it, Roberts.” Davis shutdown his partner before I had a chance. “That’s not a bear you wanna be poking.”
There’s always at least one hothead in the bunch. Asshole. It’s not as if I didn’t know this shit was coming. It would have looked better if I had surrendered as planned, but at least I wasn’t caught on the lamb. Shit could have gone down a lot different. I tried to string together what the fuck was happening. I needed to have my shit straight before Sanders showed up. This should be a piece of cake, even for that dumbass.
Davis handed me over for booking, which I could complete in my damn sleep. I noticed all of the gawking and stares from the crowded holding tank. It was a small police station, and bringing in an Executioner was a big ass deal. Besides, I would be lying if I denied that I didn’t get off, even a little, from all of the attention that came with the title. Girls, booze, drugs, money, and attention – good or bad.
“Alright, Steele. You know the drill.”
I stared down at the beady-eyed cop. The man performed an all too thorough strip search and tossed an orange jumpsuit in my direction.
“Get it on. Then grab a mattress and a roll of shit paper.”
I did as instructed and struggled to keep my mouth shut. My instincts ticked away at me, my pulse racing. I could get in that cop’s head so easy, but I managed to refrain. The cop escorted me down a long corridor, passing the entryway to the dorm style pod.
“Think you missed our stop,” I said. The officer turned and glowered at me, causing me to play nice. “Sir.”
“You’ll be staying in a single cell until you see the judge. Too much testosterone for one room.”
I knew exactly what the man was saying. There was bound to be a rival club member, or a whole fucking gang, on the inside.
The officer nudged me toward the wall. “Don’t go getting any wild ideas, got it?”
The man planted my face against the smudged wall to remove the cuffs. My cell was surrounded by other one-man cells, typically used for sexual offenders and gang members who might be targeted on the inside. Odd noises seeped out from underneath the secure doors, making my already small, musty tank seem even smaller. I wasn’t good in tight spaces, never had been. Being locked in a closet as a kid had really fucked with my head. I would rather try my luck in the dorm.
This will all be over soon. Keep your mouth shut and your
Taming the Highland Rogue