You Think You Know Me Pretty Well

You Think You Know Me Pretty Well by David Kessler Read Free Book Online

Book: You Think You Know Me Pretty Well by David Kessler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Kessler
best, Juanita. I’ll be back in fifteen.”
    Nat smiled. Twenty-five was more realistic. He’d have to floor it.
    Alex put in another call, this time to Information. He asked for Esther Olsen’s number, adding that she lived in Sunnyvale. Fortunately the number was listed. He followed up by putting in a call to her.
    “Yes?” The voice was weak … nervous.
    “Mrs. Olsen? It’s Alex Sedaka here.”
    Her mood seemed to brighten.
    “Oh, hallo, Mr. Sedaka.”
    Alex was embarrassed. He didn’t know how to continue.
    “Listen, I’m afraid I have some bad news.”
    “He … he wouldn’t tell you?”
    She sounded sad, but not angry or bitter as he’d feared.
    “He said he didn’t know. He still maintains he’s innocent.”
    “Can I ask you a question?” Esther Olsen’s voice was croaky now.
    “Do you think he’s guilty?”
    This was a question that Alex couldn’t answer. Not that his own private thoughts were privileged. But a lawyer’s view of his client’s innocence or guilt is partly based on what his client tells him, and this could be a slippery slope.
    “I don’t know, Mrs. Olsen.”
    This was the diplomatic response – but until half an hour ago, it would not have been a truthful one. Alex pressed on.
    “But can I ask you a question?” he followed up.
    “Do you know anything about the relationship between them? I mean, I know that he bullied her. But was there any more to it than that? Was there any particular reason?”
    There was a moment of hesitation.
    “I don’t know. She never really confided in me. Like I told you, I was estranged from her before she…”
    “Did she confide in anyone? A friend? A relative?”
    “Not really. I mean, she got on well with Jonathan, but – ”
    “That’s her brother, yes?”
    “Yes. But he was younger – five years younger. She probably wouldn’t have wanted to put the burden of her problems on him. She kept her problems bottled up.”
    Alex’s mind was racing ahead. A girl with problems and no one to talk to? That was a perfect recipe for suicide. But there was no body. And how did all that incriminating evidence end up in the apartment where Burrow and his mother lived?
    “Could I ask you another thing, Mrs. Olsen? About Dorothy liquidating her trust fund and buying that expensive jewelry. Do you have any idea why she might have done that?”
    Esther Olsen sounded tired, as if she had been through all this many times before – which she probably had.
    “Was she the sort of girl who was interested in jewelry?”
    “No, not really.”
    “And you don’t have a clue where the jewelry is?”
    “I … I thought that maybe Burrow stole it … when he killed her.”
    “But now?”
    He was prompting her, picking up on her hesitance.
    “I don’t know.”
    “Do you think she may have been planning to run away?”
    “She … might have been.”
    “Could she have been planning to run away with Clayton Burrow?”
    “Certainly not! She hated him! And he hated her!”
    “Are you sure it wasn’t just an act?”
    “No, Mr. Sedaka, it definitely wasn’t an act!”
    Alex had been speculating that maybe Burrow had tricked her into thinking he was going to run away with her and persuaded her to liquidate her trust fund and then killed her and stolen the jewelry. But Esther Olsen rejected that. A mother’s perceptions counted for something. But she may have been estranged from her daughter. But now was not the time to push it.
    “Can you think of anyone at all that she might have spoken to? A friend that she might have confided in?”
    He waited a while for an answer.
    “There was one thing,” Esther Olsen’s voice came out of the silence.
    “She had a computer that she was always working at – an old laptop. She used to spend hours in front of it, either online or just writing.”
    “Writing what?”
    “I don’t know, but she treated it like an old friend.”
    “You think she might have

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