Z-Burbia 4: Cannibal Road
Got it?”
    “Whatever I want?” Elsbeth asked as she looked around Stella and grinned at Kramer. “Likeanything anything?”
    “Anything,” Stella replied. She looked at the remote in Kramer’s hand. “Give me that.”
    He handed it over.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    “It triggers the conditioning and lets me control the girls with basic verbal commands,” Kramer said. “Each of the girls has a small electrode implanted at the base of their brain. It’s a simple switch, that is all. It should have allowed me to order Elsbeth to kill you, but she apparently has figured out a way to override it.”
    “I bumped my head,” Elsbeth said. “Bumped it hard. Made me forget who I was. Then Pa found me.”
    “Yes, that could have done it,” Kramer nodded.
    “Okay. That’s sorted out,” Stella said as she dropped the remote and ground it under her boot heel. “Now you are going to sit there, Mr. Kramer, and answer my questions until I am done asking. No quid pro quo, no tit for tat. I ask, you answer. Deviate from that, and Elsbeth gets you. Piss me off and Elsbeth gets you. Make me think you are lying and Elsbeth gets you. Are we understood, Mr. Kramer?”
    “Doctor,” Kramer replied. “It’s Dr. Kramer.”
    “She’ll call you Lucy if she wants to,” Elsbeth spat.
    “I don’t think a little courtesy is too much to…” Kramer started but stopped as Stella slapped him across the face. “Ow! There was no need…”
    She slapped him again. He opened his mouth to protest a second time and got a third slap for it.
    “Done?” Stella asked.
    Kramer nodded, his hand rubbing his red cheek.
    “Good,” Stella smiled. “Tell us how we stop the Consortium.”
    “You don’t,” Kramer answered immediately. “They have too many resources. What you have seen is nothing compared to what they will send after you. The only way to survive is to run. Now.”
    “How much time do you suppose we have?”
    “When did you send the girls to Atlanta?” Kramer asked.
    Stella looked back at Stuart and he cleared his throat. “It’s only been a few days,” he replied. “They probably just got there.”
    “Then you have only a few days,” Kramer said. “As soon as Camille realizes she has the girls, she will send them here and wipe all of you out.” He glanced quickly at Elsbeth, but didn’t let his eyes linger too long. “Even with her on your side, they will still win. Camille Thornberg does not negotiate and does not give second chances. You will all be dead before the week is out, in my estimation.”
    “Then we need to move up the timetable,” Stuart said. “We leave the day after tomorrow.”
    “Will we be ready?” Stella asked and looked at me.
    “We’ll have to be,” I replied. “No other choice. We work through the nights until every vehicle is in shape and ready to go. Anything that isn’t ready, we leave. We can’t risk being on the run and having equipment break down. Better to be limited with reliable vehicles and weapons than find out the hard way on the road.”
    “We’ll spread the word now,” Buzz said as he pushed Gunga towards the door. “I’ll have my brothers make sure everyone coming with us knows the plan.”
    “Are folks not coming?” I asked. “That’s the first I’ve heard of that.”
    “Some just don’t want to leave,” Buzz shrugged. “They are tired of fighting and tired of living. They’d rather risk it here.”
    “Fools,” Kramer said, and then flinched as Stella moved her hand.
    Stella grinned, but there was no happiness in it.
    “Thanks, Buzz,” Stella said. “When you are done spreading the word, please come find me. We have a lot of work to do before we hit the road.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” Buzz said as he hurried out of the saloon.
    “And what of me?” Kramer asked. “I can be of help, you know.”
    “You stay put,” Stella said as she stretched and rolled her neck. “I don’t want to worry about you. Elsbeth will sit here and keep you

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