Z-Burbia 7: Sisters of the Apocalypse
    "Inez!" the tunnel ninja shouts.
    Huh? Inez? That wasn't Inez. I saw Inez and she was a lot older than Froggy Girl. Which is what I'm going to call her because I ain't calling her Inez when she ain't Inez. That's stupid talk.
    The first tunnel ninja, the one that hit me with the table leg, brings it up high like she is going to smash me. Yeah, it's a she. I can see boob mounds under her black shirt. She's also a total rookie when it comes to fighting. With that table leg up high, she's left herself wide open.
    Wide open for me to slash her belly and let her guts spill out all over the sidewalk ledge. She screams and drops the table leg which I catch in my free hand. As she screams, I sweep her legs with the table leg and send her into the stream. The other tunnel ninja, the one that shouted at Froggy Girl, screams too and reaches for her ninja buddy. Yep, she's a girl too. I know that not just because I hear her screechy voice, but because I can see more boob mounds.
    Boob mounds. That's funny.
    The second tunnel ninja gets a knife to the side of her neck as she reaches for tunnel ninja one. Blood spurts across my face and she falls into the stream after her friend. Her body gets pushed up against the grate then goes under. Not just under the water, but under the grate. I watch as her body falls into the culvert and joins her friend's.
    Neither of them is moving, so I guess my knife did the trick. I wipe it off and slip it back into its sheath then find my metal bars and tuck those into my belt. Once I know they're secure, I take a deep breath and jump into the stream. I was right, it's only two feet deep.
    I grab onto the grate as the stream pushes at my legs. I let my legs get swept away and I feel them go under the grate without a problem. The bars have been cut loose below the water line. More of those amazing deep breaths and I swing my legs under, duck my top back, and let the stream carry me out into the culvert.
    It would be nice if it was an easy drop, but this being the apocalypse and shit, there's debris in the culvert. My ass hits hard on something and I go all the way underwater. A quick twist and I see an old car upside down at the bottom of the culvert. My ass hit a rotten tire.
    There're two Zs inside the upside-down car, still strapped into their seats. They ain't got no eyes left, but the thump from my ass must have woken them up because they're reaching out the broken windshield at me. Keep reaching, Zs, keep reaching.
    I let the culvert stream carry me for a while. It's good to rest the bod. My gashy shoulder hurts and my throat is sore from Froggy Girl's rope. Time to just relax and go for a ride.
    My head is above water and I constantly spin myself around to make sure I ain't being hunted. I don't see a soul. Don't mean there ain't somebody watching, just means they ain't close enough for me to see them.
    The sun is hot as shit and it starts to cook my head. I pull off my tank, which ain't easy to do when you're floating down a culvert stream, and wrap it around my skull so I don't get fried. Feels nice and cool.
    The tunnel ninja bodies have washed up along the side of the culvert, caught on some sticks and shit, so I paddle over and pull myself up onto the concrete edge by them. The heat sucks at the water on my body and I figure I'll be bone dry in less than an hour the way the sun is cooking.
    It takes me a couple of minutes to pull the bodies out of the water, but I'm glad I do. One of them has a sweet pocket knife in her black pants. Thumb-flipper kind. Sharp as shit. I tuck that away and search the other tunnel ninja, but she's got nothing on her. Well, except for her guts. She's got that shit all over her.
    The tunnel ninjas aren't as old as Inez. They're older than Froggy Girl, but not by much. Maybe late teens? Early twenties? Younger than me. I think. Pa always celebrated my birthday, but it wasn't my real birthday. My sisters say they know my real birthday, but birthdays don't mean shit

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