And make a note of the address.”
    “Sure, boss.”
    Nick put the phone down very gently and leaned back in his chair. He flexed his hands on the curved arms as he tried to reorient himself in the newly altered matrix.
    Zinnia Spring had walked through his door wearing a red suit and red high heels and now everything had changed.
    He brooded over the altered matrix for a long time.
    Fifteen minutes later the phone rang. The private line. Nick picked up the receiver and heard the muffled sound of street noises.
    “What is it, Feather?”
    “Sorry to bother you, boss, but I don’t think she’s headed home. Want me to stay on her?”
    “Where are you?”
    “Second Gen Hill. She’s driving real slow.”
    “Second Generation Hill?” Nick surged to his feet. “That’s where Fenwick’s book shop is located.”
    “Looks like she’s going to park on a side street.”
    “Five hells. Keep an eye on her but don’t do anything until I get there.” Nick slammed down the phone.
    He knew exactly what she was going to do. Zinnia was going to break into the book shop to see if she could find any clues to Morris Fenwick’s fate.
    Nick crossed the gilded red chamber toward the door. He glanced at the black-and-gold watch on his wrist. Breaking and entering would not be routine for a woman like Zinnia. With any luck he would get to Fenwick’s shop before she worked up the nerve to try her hand at it.
    Then again, his luck had been nothing less than bizarre all evening.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    This was probably not a good idea. Unfortunately, she did not have a better one. She knew something was wrong. Morris Fenwick was an eccentric, neurotic, mid-range matrix-talent, but he was a client. And he was delicate. She could not help worrying about him.
    Zinnia took one more look at the shadowed alley. The mingled light of the twin moons, Chelan and Yakima, gleamed dully on the lid of a large trash container. The rest of the narrow bricked passageway lay in dense shadow.
    She took a grip on the unlocked window. If she did not do this right now, she would lose her nerve. She could not go home tonight until she had taken a look around the shop. She had to be sure that Morris was not lying dead or injured inside.
    A strong sense of foreboding had settled on her after she left the casino. No surprise, she thought. She was not used to this kind of excitement. It was not every evening that she got jumped by a genuine psychic vampire and then went on to have a jolly little interview with the reclusive owner of the most notorious casinos in town. No doubt about it, her social life was a lot more exciting lately than it had been in a very long time.
    She shoved hard on the sill. The window opened with a moan. The musty odor of old books wafted past her. This was not technically breaking and entering, she decided. After all, she had found this window unlocked.
    She eased first one leg and then the other over the ledge and dropped lightly to the floor. She was in Morris’s back room. The place where he stored his less valuable stock.
    The darkness was absolute. She took a tentative step forward and immediately stubbed her toe against something hard. Stifling a groan, she switched on the small flashlight she had retrieved from the glove compartment of her car.
    The narrow beam of light revealed a maze of boxes stacked on the floor. Each was stuffed with books. She raised the light and used it to scan her surroundings. The storeroom was crammed from floor to ceiling with volumes of all shapes, sizes, and descriptions. The shelves that lined the walls sagged beneath the weight of aging tomes.
    The stillness was even more disconcerting than the darkness. The light beam wavered a little. Zinnia realized her pulse was racing.
    The sense of dread intensified. She glanced at the open window. It would only take a couple of minutes to get back to the safety of her car. Another few minutes and she would be at the door of her loft apartment.

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