Zom-B Gladiator

Zom-B Gladiator by Darren Shan Read Free Book Online

Book: Zom-B Gladiator by Darren Shan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darren Shan
survival expert, he loved challenging himself in harsh terrains, he’d spend his holidays cheating death in hellholes around the world. I thought he was crazy, but he used to say a beach holiday was his idea of purgatory. He wasn’t happy when he went away unless he staggered back bloody, bruised and exhausted.
    ‘I was glad of his skills after the attacks,’ she goes on. ‘Wewouldn’t have lasted long without him. He taught us how to hide and forage. He studied the zombies, learnt about them, helped us stay one step ahead. I wanted to flee the city, but Shaun said we stood a better chance here, at least to begin with. I kept urging him to take us to one of the settlements in the countryside, or to try for an island, but he was sceptical. He didn’t believe all of thereports on the radio. He wanted to let things settle. I also think he was reluctant to put his life in the hands of anyone else. He liked his independence.’
    ‘Did the zombies get him?’ I ask.
    Emma nods. ‘We picked up other survivors along the way. We numbered eight at our maximum. Shaun always told me not to let myself get too attached to them. He said if we ever got backed into a corner,we had to abandon the others and look after ourselves. He said we couldn’t afford the luxury of friends any more.’
    ‘Sounds like he knew what he was doing,’ I mutter, thinking about my talk with Mr Burke.
    ‘Yes,’ Emma sighs. ‘But he couldn’t follow his own advice in the end. We lost a couple of members to attacks over the months. Another couple struck out for the countryside by themselves.A few more joined up. Shaun was always in command. He was a natural leader. Nobody in the group ever challenged him.
    ‘One of the new guys was diabetic. He needed insulin. We were in a chemist’s. Zombies were nesting on the upper floor. They chased us. The guy with diabetes got trapped. Shaun went back for him. He shouldn’t have. If I’d done it, he would have bawled me out. But you couldnever tell Shaun anything.’
    Emma starts weeping again but softly this time. ‘That was a couple of months ago. Those of us who were left stayed together for a few weeks. Then the others decided to leave London. I hung on, remembering what Shaun had said. We’ve been alone since then, haven’t we, Declan?’
    The little boy nods stiffly. He’s crying too now, but quietly, shivering in his mother’sarms.
    ‘You’ve done well to survive,’ Jakob says softly. ‘Shaun would be proud.’
    Emma nods and sniffs. Carl chews on his lower lip, wanting to say something more to comfort the pair. Then he has a brainwave.
    ‘Does Declan have any toys?’ he asks.
    Both Emma and Declan stop crying and stare at Carl. ‘No,’ Emma says. ‘I pick up some things for him every now and then, if we’re stayingin one spot for a few nights, but we move around a lot and we can’t carry much with us when we travel. Toys are pretty low on our list of priorities.’
    ‘I figured as much,’ Carl says, getting to his feet. ‘We’re not that far from Hamleys. Why don’t I pop over there and find some really cool toys for him to play with in County Hall?’
    ‘I’m not sure,’ Emma says. ‘I’ve passed by Hamleysa few times. It’s full of zombies. I never dared go in.’
    ‘They won’t bother me ,’ Carl laughs and sets off, excited at the thought of exploring the different levels of the famous old toyshop.
    ‘Do you want us to come with you?’ Ashtat asks.
    ‘No,’ he says. ‘Stay here and enjoy the sun. Emma and Declan will be safer in the open, with plenty of escape routes.’
    ‘Hold on,’ I stop him.‘I’m coming.’
    ‘I don’t need back-up,’ he snorts.
    ‘I’m sure you don’t. Still, it can’t hurt having someone to look out for you. And I can give you a hand bringing stuff back.’
    Carl thinks about that and shrugs. ‘OK, if you want. Just as long as we’re clear that I’m the one who gets to choose.’
    ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I say drily.

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