Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series)

Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series) by TJ Lynn Read Free Book Online

Book: Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series) by TJ Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: TJ Lynn
     “Alright, let’s find a place to set up camp for the night.
Don’t you worry Joe; we’ll get you taken care of. I’ve had more sprained ankles
then I can count. Isn’t that right guys? We know the meaning of pain .”
Marco said with an air of pride, pearly whites gleaming.
    Joe was amazed when the rest of the guys nodded in
agreement. Oddly, Joe didn’t feel so left out any longer. It was as if the
sprained ankle somehow initiated him into the Jocks’ testosterone empowered
    Alfonzo said, “I’ll scout ahead and see if I can find a
good place to camp out. It is getting late and besides,” big grin spreading
across his face, “it’s time to eat.”
    Alfonzo started walking up the trail while Marco and Kyle
looked around for a makeshift crutch for Joe.
    Joe dug in his backpack for some aspirin and his bottled
    Not even 20 yards up the trails Alfonzo started to shout,
“Hey guys, up here. This looks like a good spot for the night. Oh, hell yeah!
There’s a nice overhang of rock and nice flat ground with hardly any rocks. It’s
surrounded by trees and shrubs. Looks like people have used this spot before;
there’s even a fire pit in the center.”
    Alfonzo was jumping up and down, waving his arms hooting
and hollering with excitement over his find.
    Marco shook his head, laughing before he turned to Joe.
“You know Joe, the only reason my mom let me come was so they could do the
neighborhood BBQ tomorrow evening. They don’t like having kids around all the
time, even teenagers. A chance for adults to get together, not to mention rub
    By the time they got organized, Joe had a crutch and the
four made their way slowly towards Alfonzo’s discovery. The sun was low on the
horizon and a cool breeze began to blow.
    It was perfect. Just 20 feet off the rocky path, a high
cliff jutted out over an almost perfectly circular area, approximately 15 feet
diameter and completely devoid of the usual rocky soil, but, best of all, it was
completely hidden, and entirely surrounded by trees and shrub.  In the center of
the area was a fire pit surrounded by a cluster of rocks.
    It was ideal. The area was completely shaded and private.
Not, that anyone would be up the trail this late but, still, it was- the perfect
    The teens quickly set up camp- unrolled their sleeping bags
and gathered firewood.
    Before long the sun had set and they were slapping
marshmallow, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together around a roaring camp
    When the conversation turned to girls and football Joe dug
in his pack for his newest find, a book on Astronomy.
    He could just make out some constellations through the
branches above.
    He easily found the big dipper and the little dipper, both
that make up part of the Ursa Major constellation. Joe remembered reading
somewhere that The Big Dipper played an important of the Underground Railroad
which helped slaves escape their captivity by the Democrat slave owners of the
southern states before the Civil War. The Big Dipper helped guide the way of
thousands of men, women and children fleeing north to safe houses and later,
into Canada. There were several houses still standing that housed the runaways
right here in this region. Joe made a mental note to find one and study more of
the history.
    Joe lay back on his pack that served as his pillow and
gazed at the stars, thinking.
    Willis Dye’s home was one of the oldest in the small New
England town of Eaton. Built in the early 20’s it was both eerie and beautiful
set among the sprawling acres.  The scent of money oozed from every brick of
crumbling decadence and dripped from the many balconies above.
    Jana knew there was more beyond just what they could see.
The entire mansion spread out … wide. It was completely secluded and Jana could
make out several trails that led into the mountains. She was a little

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