1 Hairspray and Homicide

1 Hairspray and Homicide by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online

Book: 1 Hairspray and Homicide by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
good tonight Shara?” Sammy asked with a casual smile as the waitress stood with her pen poised above paper.
    “Please Sammy, you know the menu doesn't ever change,” she rolled her eyes and chomped down on a wad of gum. “So, what are you guys going to have?” she inquired, stealing a curious glance at Bekki.
    “Just some soup and salad,” Sammy requested.
    “I'll have the steak,” Bekki said quickly, drawing a surprised look from Sammy. “What?” Bekki frowned. “I might be dining on prison food soon, I might as well enjoy the good stuff while I can.”
    Sammy looked at her friend in horror, and Shara averted her eyes as if she wasn't eating up every word.
    “Don't even think that way,” Sammy insisted. Then a moment later she glanced up at the waitress. “In that case we'll both have chocolate milkshakes.”
    “Great,” Bekki flashed a smile, but her attention was still focused on Pete. “Is that gentleman over there having the steak?” she asked casually.
    “Pete?” Shara glanced over at him. “Oh no, he's a beef stew all the way.”
    “Really, not eating anything different tonight?” Bekki inquired curiously.
    "Oh Pete?" Shara shrugged her shoulders mildly. "He's hungry as ever," she glanced between the two women and then lowered her voice. "I guess we all grieve just a little differently, you know."
    "Oh, is he grieving?" Bekki asked as if she knew nothing about the situation.
    "Well, the story goes this gal came back from New York City with a bone to pick with Daisy, she runs a salon in town. Anyway, this gal apparently offed Daisy, which is terrible enough, but poor Pete over there well, rumor is he had a thing with Daisy," she lowered her voice even further if that was possible. "Even though Daisy was married!"
    "Shocking," Sammy said with an exaggerated gasp.
    "Disturbing," Bekki shuddered slightly and lowered her eyes. She was glad that Shara had not recognized her, although Bekki did remember babysitting her as a kid.
    "All so sad," Shara shook her head. "I mean, our town is usually so safe, too bad the riff raff always find their way in."
    "Home you mean," Bekki said and locked eyes with the waitress.
    "Sure, home," Shara nodded and then tapped her order pad. "I'll just get these orders in for you, back in a few minutes."
    "Thanks," Sammy called out. Bekki and Sammy exchanged a long glance. So, it was not just a story about Bekki being arrested, but a certainty that she had committed the crime. That would be a lot harder to fight against, especially if the crime went all the way to court, and her fate was to be decided by a jury of her peers.
    "I'm going to go talk to him," Bekki suddenly said, her heart pounding against her chest.
    "What?" Sammy's eyes widened. "You can't Bekki! What if he knows who you are? What if he gets scared and decides to hurt you?"
    Just as Bekki was starting to stand up, she saw Teddy walk into the restaurant. She sat down quickly and picked up the menu to hide her face. When Sammy saw Teddy she did the same.
    "Oh my gosh, what is he doing here?" Sammy murmured as she ducked down further.
    Teddy glanced around the restaurant a few times, as if assessing who was present, then walked slowly up to Pete's table. The men spoke too low for them to over hear their words, but their physical gestures explained a lot. Teddy paused beside the table and laid one hand on the top of it. Pete looked up at him and his ruddy cheeks went pale as he recognized the man. Teddy uttered a few calm words, though his fingertips were turning white from pressing so hard on the top of the table. Bekki braced herself, expecting a fight to break out at any moment, but instead, Pete gestured for Teddy to sit down. Teddy sat down across from the man who was known around town to be his dead wife's lover. They continued to speak quietly, their expressions not giving much away as to what they were discussing.
    "Oh poor Teddy, he must not have any idea," Sammy shook her head as she glanced over at

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