2 The Judas Kiss

2 The Judas Kiss by Angella Graff Read Free Book Online

Book: 2 The Judas Kiss by Angella Graff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angella Graff
place for you to be.”
                  “I would have thought so, too, but we were attacked,” Mark said, “twice, and Jude…” Mark trailed off again, looking back down the hall after his companion.  “He won’t defend himself.  He seems to think that fighting them is pointless.”
                  “No,” Stella said, sounding almost panicked.  “You have to fight; you cannot let them take either one of you.”
                  “That’s why I’m back,” Mark said with a desperate shrug.  “He won’t help himself, and I don’t think you could possibly understand the absolute hell it is to have to be with him every waking moment.  I need help.”  Mark let out a shaking, almost hysterical laugh and shook his head.  “I’d probably go mad if I could.”
                  Stella stared at him for a long time before her eyes widened, finally understanding why Mark was there.  “You want Ben’s help?”
                  Mark gave a half-shrug.  “Yes, I do.”
    “Why him, of all people?” she asked.
                  “Because they seem to fear him,” Mark said.  “There was a sort of reverence about him, and even though Asclepius said it was because they couldn’t touch him, I think it’s something else.  I think it’s the reason why Nike wanted Abby, above all people.  She could have taken anyone in that hospital.  She could have taken anyone, someone no one would miss; someone no one would go looking for.  Instead she took the one person who led us straight to Jude.  It’s something more than just his refusal to believe.”
                  Stella’s face was a mask of indifference as she listened to Mark.  “So why do you think Ben can help you?”
                  Mark gave a short laugh.  “Oh Stella, I can even see it in you.  You know what it is about him that your kind fears and wants so desperately.  I don’t expect you to tell me, but I can tell I’m right.  The best place for me to be is here.  With Ben.”
                  Stella sat back and sighed.  “You’re right.  I do know, and I’m not going to tell you.  I’m being followed, Mark.  I’m not sure if it’s because of Nike, or because of,” she paused and looked around, “something else.  Whatever it is, I’m forced to stay in this body less and less, and I’m not sure when I can see Ben again.”  She looked absolutely devastated when she said so, and Mark felt for her.
                  “I’m just not sure how to get through to him,” Mark eventually continued.  “He’s broken now that Abby’s gone.  If those things really wanted to get to him, to destroy him, they accomplished their mission.  Abby was the one thing that mattered to Ben, and I’m not sure we’re going to be able to get him back.”
                  Stella’s eyes watered and Mark could see the strength it took for her to keep it together.  “I know,” she said, her voice thick and rough.  She cleared her throat and gave her head a little shake.  “I know, but you’re right, and you have to try.  If they get you, if Nike finds a host and manages to get you and Jude, we’re all lost.”
                  “Do you know what they’re planning?” Mark asked, desperate for answers.  “Anything at all?  Any scrap of information could save everyone.”
                  Stella looked pained as she said, “No.  If I did, I swear I would tell you.”
                  Mark believed her, and let out a disappointed sigh.  “I realize why you can’t have your ear to the ground, but if you catch wind of anything, anything at all-”
                  “You know I will come to you first thing,” she vowed.  “I’m glad you’re okay, and keeping in town is probably the best option.  Nike is likely gathering her forces and forming a plan

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