3013: Renegade

3013: Renegade by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: 3013: Renegade by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
safest place in the galaxy, and for a moment she was tempted by the idea. Alayna knew she wouldn’t do it though. She couldn’t. Now that they’d had sex she had no doubt that they’d soon be snoring, and then she’d slip away.
    By morning she planned to be long gone from Fort Saken, and on her way back to the rebel camp where her foster father would be waiting for the information she’d come here to steal. Information she’d failed to obtain. Before she could dwell on the failure of her mission, one of the men she’d come here to rob leaned in and kissed her so thoroughly he pushed every other thought out of her head.
    They might be the enemy, but stars above, these two could kiss.
    Nikolai’s hands were on her breasts and his tongue was tangled with hers, but it wasn’t until she felt the brush of his still hard cock against her thigh that Alayna realized that she’d been wrong. Falling asleep was the last thing on her lovers’ minds. Apparently their enhancements included powers of recovery she never would have believed possible. For the first time in a long time, she thanked the stars that she’d received some enhancements of her own. It might be the only way she survived the night.

    It was close to morning before they finally let Alayna fall asleep. As she slumbered between them, Colin stared at her, feeling more than a little awed by their unexpected bedmate. She had gifted them with her passion and her body without reservation, making this night one he knew he’d never forget.
    They had never met anyone like her, and it was almost a curse to know that someone that suited them both so well actually existed. The odds of finding a fertile woman with even a fraction of her sensual fire and sass were not even worth calculating. Thief or not, she was as close to perfect for them as they were ever likely to find. If only she could have children.
    He and Nikolai had worked for years to earn the right to claim a fertile woman and start a family of their own. They had been in service to the Alliance since their testing, pushing themselves to be the best every day they had worn the uniform. For Colin, it wasn’t because he wanted prestige or promotion, but because he wanted to father children someday. He wanted the same love and laughter that he had grown up with, once his mother had been chosen by the only fathers he had ever known. He knew that Nikolai wanted that, too.
    Nikolai loved spending time with Colin’s family, but avoided seeing his own unless protocol demanded it. It was one of the many reasons they intended to share their lives with a single woman, because they were seeking the same things. Not just a breeding partner, but a friend and a lover to share a life with.
    If they were lucky, they’d find someone like Alayna. Hell, even the fact she was a thief was oddly perfect, given Griz’s love for rebelling against his family’s expectations every chance he got. Colin glanced over at his best friend, who was drifting off to sleep, his breathing already dropping to a sonorous rumble. A single reading lamp was the only light, and it was barely enough for him to make out the details of the small star tattoo on Alayna’s face. If they weren’t looking for their chosen, he’d be tempted to ask her to consider staying with them for the time being. But if they did that, what would they say to her when they found the woman who would bear their children?
    He knew of other men who kept infertile lovers on the side even after taking a fertile chosen, but he had no intention of being one of them. He only wanted one woman in his life, and in his heart. Anything else would be dishonest somehow. That was something else he and Nikolai had agreed on. They weren’t going to claim just any scroll. They wanted one who had at least some chance of making them happy, and who could be happy with them.
    Colin brushed a few strands of hair away from Alayna’s face, his fingers running over

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