A Captivating Conundrum

A Captivating Conundrum by Amy Lignor Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Captivating Conundrum by Amy Lignor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Lignor
Fish and Chips, as well as the salad, looked as if they were about to hit the floor.
    Quickly, Matt jumped up from his chair, snatching the tray and the scalding pot from her hands. With fluid movements, like the dancer he was, Matt placed everything on the table and took the girl's trembling hand. "Are you okay?"
    She nodded. The glazed gaze returned as if her Prince Charming had saved her from a death defying tumble off a massive horse.
    Nicole's patience quickly evaporated as she sent the server a glare. "We're fine now, dear. GO see to your other customers."
    Matt sat down and I immediately noticed the coffee leaking down his shirt. "Did she burn you?"
    He laughed. "No, I'm fine." Taking a napkin he simply patted his chest dry and picked up his silverware.
    "Huh," I was dumbfounded.
"A celebrity who doesn't bitch, whine, or sigh at the commoners? Very respectful. You certainly are impressive…in many ways."
    That was the first time he looked away. "Thanks," he mumbled, looking very much like a young boy who'd just pleased his parents. "I love the fans. Without them I'd have nothing at all."
    "Huh," I repeated, as I turned to Nicole who was already halfway through her salad using meticulous and quick bites. "Different breed."
    She nodded. "You only have twenty minutes left." she said, as I realized that the challenge was on and I was definitely losing.
    Matt's mouth was full of fish and chips as I plunged ahead, not wanting to waste a second of the time I had allotted.
    "Look, I'm gonna just give you a quick rundown. Yes, I am Lily and, no, fans don't know who I am. The reason is something really silly, actually."
    Nicole's voice stopped me in my tracks. "It was NOT silly." She stared at the man who I really wanted to just keep eating. "When I first read her book and the idea for the series, I knew it was going to be huge. Suffice to say, before the book ever came out we sent out promotional copies to various reviewers, sites, blogs, etcetera. The book had her picture on the inside flap." Nicole's eyes grew a bit regretful. "Which is completely normal." 
    Glancing at me as if I should continue, I simply moved my gaze to the window, really not wanting to go over this story yet again. I could feel him staring at my profile but I didn't make a sound.
    Nicole sighed. "The book was a smash hit with these guys before it even came out and, even though you might not think so, the literary community is very small. The word started to spread through the industry insiders. Unfortunately…one of those particular people was so enthralled by…Lily's writing and her photo, that he went a little overboard."
    I sighed, keeping my gaze intent on the Frisbee players outside.
    "Overboard?" Matt's voice was quiet. 
    Nicole sighed heavily. "He became a stalker."
    " What ?"
    Nicole spoke quickly. "Look, no harm, no foul. It's all over now and she doesn't like to talk about it." 
    "Yet, here we sit talking about it…again," I mumbled.
    Nicole continued on, "Anyway, we thought it would be best to release the book with no picture and simply give her the pen name, Lily Stone. That way, no one would ever know her and she would be safe."
    He turned to me. "So what's your real name?"
    I took a deep breath. "Beth. Elizabeth Carrier."
    His eyes grew soft. "Now, that sounds like a romance novel."
    ~ His ~
    I can't really explain the shot of fear and serious anger that went through me when Nicole told me the beautiful lady's story. For some reason, I just couldn't deal with the fact that someone out there had tried to harm her, even though he obviously—thank Christ—hadn't been successful. All I could picture in my mind was slicing the head off the scumbag just for fun. Oddly enough, I also felt a little bad. I mean, after all this lovely woman had done and the stunning words she'd written, for her to not even be able to take credit for them seemed almost cruel. 
    I smiled. "Beth…it fits you."
    She laughed. "Boring and dull! You

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