Filthy 3: A Dark Erotic Serial

Filthy 3: A Dark Erotic Serial by Megan D. Martin Read Free Book Online

Book: Filthy 3: A Dark Erotic Serial by Megan D. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan D. Martin
was coming in the bedroom and I found her on my bed like this,” Taylor said. “She wanted the coke. Said she would fuck me for it. But I would never do that. She’s my daughter. I don’t know what happened to her while she was gone, or why her skin is like that. I’ve literally been home ten minutes, Rhett.” He paused and I let the lies wash over me—his perfect voice threatening to convince even me that it was all true. “I still have some of the drugs so I decided to give her some. I couldn’t stand to see her like this. Bringing herself down to using sex for it. It breaks my heart.”
    Tears fell from my eyes, splattering on the tops of my knees as the lies spun round and round, twining me up in razor sharp wires.  
    “You tried to use sex to get drugs?” I glanced up at Rhett’s voice. He was staring down at me with his arrogant eyes. Thinking he was above me, like always. His upper lip curled. “Shouldn’t fucking surprise me. Isn't that what prostitute's do? Use sex to get everything they want? The old men weren’t enough so you had to try and fuck the man who raised you?” He shook his head hard. “You disgust me . I should have left you at the fucking Truck Stop!” he yelled and I flinched.
    “What?” Taylor’s voice was deafening in the room. The sound of it burned my ears. “A prostitute?”
    “Put some fucking clothes on,” Rhett hissed, grabbing the shirt I’d taken off and tossing it at me.  
    “You were a prostitute?” Taylor’s hateful gaze leveled on me. Terror carved its way through my body. He had believed me when I said that I hadn’t been with anyone else. He’d spent the last month thinking he was my one and only. By some miracle he had believed my half-assed bullshit story.
    “That’s where I found her. Behind some old dirty truck stop fucking strangers for money. It’s where she’s been since she left.”  
    I could see the fire in Taylor’s eyes while his mind wound around the truth. Tears flowed harder now, pouring down my face.  
    What will he do to me?  
    “Let’s go downstairs and talk, Rhett,” Taylor put his hand on Rhett’s shoulder, but Rhett shoved Taylor away before storming out of the room.  
    Taylor stayed with me, but only for a moment. Only for his gaze to linger on mine. There was so much there, so much emotion. So much hurt. He looked like his heart was breaking, being ripped out of his chest. But then the feeling was covered with hate. Down right, dirty hate. It reminded me of the way Rhett looked at me, but so much worse.  
    “You’re going to be sorry,” he said before leaving me alone.  


    The second Taylor’s footsteps started retreating the tears came harder, like a dam had been broken, they ran out of me in waves, drenching the shirt in my lap. The shirt I still hadn’t put on.  
    What would he do to me now?  
    The thought chilled me to the bone. He would hurt me. He had been hurting me for a month, using the cocaine as a way to keep me here. But now what? What would he do now that he knew the truth? Now that he knew of all the men I had been with?  
    I rocked back and forth, my achy body thrumming with tension.  
    I have to do something.  
    But what could I do?
    I stopped moving. The reality of my only option slammed into me like a brick, no, like a fucking bulldozer. With effort I pushed myself off the floor and scrambled into the bathroom. This one was much bigger than the one attached to my bedroom upstairs. It was the master bathroom, with two beautifully polished dark marble sinks. But I didn’t care about the beauty of it all in that moment. Beauty was the last thing on my mind as I looked in the mirror at myself.  
    The woman who looked back at me was even more demented and damaged than the woman who had been staring back a month ago, her face smeared with blood. The woman there now was skinnier, her skin paler. There were dark, ugly circles under her brown eyes and her long black hair a tangled, matted mess

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