A Farewell to Charms
my questions. I still didn’t know what “work” was ahead of me.
    I thumbed through my manual. The princess’s profile was up already. I’d spent months preparing for my first Level Two job, which ended up being one night at an art gallery. And now, here I was at Level Three, with “Build up tolerance to pain” promising who-knows-what horrors, and I had only watched some TV and plucked some nose hairs. I wasn’t ready for this.
    I really wasn’t.
    Age: 16
    Hometown: Kamigano in the Far East
    Favorite Color: Black
    Favorite Book: The Bourne Identity
    Favorite Food: Food is fuel
    Family Background: My father is the crown prince of Kamigano. This means he is next to rule, after my grandparents, the emperor and empress. After him? My baby brother, Kaito, who turns one next month. Yes, in Kamigano, the youngest male heir still rules over the oldest girl. I don’t fault the baby for that. What I do hate is how my parents, not to mention the entire country, are so enraptured by this baby cooing or spitting up peas on the latest news segment that actual news is going unnoticed. Attention, viewers! Sorry to interrupt coverage on a recent natural disaster. We’ll get to that in the second half of the news program. Right now—the Prince of Peas!
    Truly, it’s not like we rule anything. I would like to feel like I could make more of a difference, and I’m not talking about giving hugs to schoolchildren at media events. I want to be more than the face of the government, I want to be part of the government. That’s why I’m leaving. To prove I can be more by doing more. I know my parents have different expectations, but I need to break out.
    Cultural Traditions: Our family is revered by our people. There are special prayers said daily for the royal family. Because we are such a vital representation of this country, my father wants me to be as regal and groomed as possible. He encourages my talents in sculpture, gymnastics, fencing, and I dabble a bit in the martial arts. Janin, my assistant, will tell you where you need to be and when. She’s a bit of a bore, but she gets the job done. My maid, Sora, also helps with some…special skills on the side. Purely for recreation.
    My family and I are kept very well guarded at the castle, but you will, of course, be expected to attend meetings and events. During my absence, I’ve ensured that my schedule is light.
    Anything Else We Should Know: You’re a stand-in, so please don’t offer opinions. I’ve had subs in the past act strange, and my family was suspicious. I usually keep to myself, except with Sora, and my parents really don’t notice me much lately, so I doubt they’d pick up on odd behavior. But do make sure every member of my family and everyone on the staff sees you regularly. Sees you, but doesn’t hear you. Always keep track of where you have been and where you are. Don’t trust anyone outside of family and Sora—in fact, sleep with one eye open. Stay on your toes. And, of course, stay alive.
    Okay? Stay alive? I had a feeling watching a million kung fu movies was not going to prepare me for this gig.
    I had an awful thought. Was Façade trying to get rid of me? Because, sorry, most princesses talked about bullies or crushes. They didn’t foreshadow mortal danger.
    I pounded on Meredith’s wall. Her door flew open. “You look green.”
    “You’re one to talk.”
    “Why, thank you. I had a dye touch-up before the meeting.” Meredith patted her chartreuse hair. “Why are you pounding? What’s wrong? Are you ill?”
    “What, no. I’m fabulous.” I jabbed Meredith with my manual. “I just love profiles that tell me to sleep with one eye open. Cozies me up like a nice security blanket.”
    “You’re worried?” she asked, although her voice really said, I can’t believe you’re worried or complaining. Which, actually, is always what her voice sounded like. “You have nothing to worry about. She’s just being

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