A Kiss With Scandal (Scandals & Secrets 4)
bash me over the head with that stick, then we might have words.”
    The rake lowered an inch, but her grip stayed sure. “Then why are we here? How did you know about the glove?”
    “I know about the glove,” he gritted out, “because I was supposed to be in the Leatherbys’ sitting room.”
    He’d admitted it. She brought her weapon back up to strike.
    “I was ordered to overhear their plans and arrest them, but I arrived too late.”
    “Arrest them?” Her thoughts spun. It didn’t make sense.
    Her brows furrowed. In front of her was a peer of the realm, a man with a brilliant mind for business, a distinguished pedigree, and the most handsome form she had ever seen. But even he had his limitations. Gentlemen of his social standing did not arrest ruffians. “I don’t understand.”
    He raked a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’m a spy.”
    L ady Charlotte’s cheeks paled as her body swayed. Derek hoped she wouldn’t faint. It made him feel hulking and brutish when women fainted. Particularly due to something he’d disclosed.
    “You’re a…” She gulped, gesturing with a muddy glove.
    She nodded slowly. “A spy.”
    “That’s right.”
    She lowered her rake a fraction. “You were supposed to be in the room with them? You were sent to arrest them?”
    To his relief, color surged back into her cheeks. “Then what happened?” She rested the gardening tool over her shoulder like a seasoned field hand, clueless of the dirt that now marred her gown.
    He gritted his teeth. He hated explaining himself. And hated it even more when he’d botched it up. “I couldn’t get away in time. Couldn’t remove myself from company without causing speculation. It was more important to maintain my cover.”
    “More important than arresting murderers?”
    He nodded once. “They might not have showed. My cover would’ve been blown. It’s happened more times than I can count. If I had compromised myself, then plenty of other criminals would walk free.”
    Her rake fell to the ground, chunks of dirt plopping on impact. “I think I need to sit, if you don’t mind.” She flopped onto the bench without awaiting his answer. “What am I to do?” she whispered. His heart wrenched. She gazed unseeingly at her once-white gloves. “I don’t even know who they are.”
    Knowledge was powerful, but also dangerous. But she was already in trouble. Thugs were coming after her. More information couldn’t hurt her at this point. “The woman is called the Black Dahlia. She’s the leader of a dangerous smuggling ring that sells secrets and anything else of value. She values neither human life nor our country. She’d murder her own mother to get what she wanted.”
    Charlotte’s hands clenched. “What will happen to me?
    He didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. The truth about her situation was sinking in, and there was only one conclusion she would reach.
    “They’re going to kill me, aren’t they?” Haunted eyes met his.
    The urge to protect surged through him, forcing him to move, to go to her. “I won’t allow that to happen. I can protect you.” Her wrapped her hand in his.
    “From them? Even though you don’t know who they are? Their voices were familiar, but I can’t identify them.” She trembled against him. “They’ve killed others.”
    It wasn’t a question. She heard things she never should have heard, and he wished he could take that from her. Take the burden, take the fear, the danger. “Yes. They have. But you will not be their victim. I’ll protect you and find them. This will be over. You’ll be free.” He’d never made such a promise to another. In truth, he could never guarantee anyone’s safety. No matter how hard he tried.
    But this was different.
    He wouldn’t rest until Charlotte was safe.
    No matter what, even if he had to forfeit his own life, Charlotte would not be harmed. Once he captured them, he’d be done. He’d be free. As free

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