A Little Too Not Over You

A Little Too Not Over You by Lauren Pacaccio Read Free Book Online

Book: A Little Too Not Over You by Lauren Pacaccio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Pacaccio
I shifted a little so we could both stand up. "This is Hunter," I said, gesturing towards the boy who was my everything for the longest time.
    "And Hunter," I looked at him and hoped my eyes said everything I couldn't say out loud, like that he really shouldn't say anything about the day before, "this is Braden." And I pointed to the man who was my everything now.
    I'll give them credit. They were civil. They shook hands. "It's nice to meet you," Braden said, smiling politely. "I've heard some things about you."
    Hunter shot me a questioning glance. "All lies, I'm sure," he said, obviously feeling very uncomfortable in the situation he was in.
    It was very weird looking at the two of them sizing each other up. They were both about the same height and they both had the same build. Broad shoulders, long legs, naturally tanned skin. But that's the only way they were similar. Braden stood in a proud manner. His dirty blonde hair contracted with Hunter's dark brown. Braden's eyes were a beautiful green whereas Hunter's were a bright blue.
    And then, the clothes were probably the funniest. Hunter was wearing some blue jeans that fit in all the right places. He was wearing a t-shirt with his leather jacket. Braden was wearing his khakis with a white button up and a green and blue sweater vest. It was the ultimate bad boy fantasy up against the ultimate perfect Mr. Right. The one I knew would be good for me and the one that I never felt more alive with. That's when I realized that I was screwed. For some reason, I had put myself in the situation where I had to choose from someone who I hadn't spoken to in years and someone who, for the past three years, has been there for me no matter what.
    "Well, now that everyone is here," Braden said, backing up a little from Hunter, "I think Paisley and I have an announcement to make."
    I looked at him. "Now?" I said, eyeing Hunter.
    "Oh, I wonder what this could be about," Hunter said, looking at me hard.
    "Why not now, Paise?" Braden asked, looking at Hunter. "I think the people who need to know our news are all here now. The people that the news would affect are now in this room."
    I swallowed. "Sure." I said, feeling like I was about to faint. Hunter was looking at me so intently; I thought he was going to burn a hole into my forehead.
    "Mom," I said, turning to face her. She was quiet throughout the whole conversation that had previously taken place. Not untypical for her. "Dad," I continued, looking at him. My daddy. I was definitely a daddy's girl, no doubt about it.
    I think he knew what was coming. His face got all red. "Yeah, sweet pea?" he said, waiting for me to continue. I dug into my jean pocket once again. I took out my beautiful ring and slipped it onto my finger.
    "Braden asked me to marry him," I said, looking at Hunter. I wanted him to know that I was talking directly to him.  And I said “yes.”
    Hunter, already knowing the news, had no change in his expression. It was like he was waiting for me to say something like, "Just kidding. Hunter, take me now! And by the way, Braden, you have a gay name!"
    But, I wasn't going to do that. I knew I had a choice to make, but I was not going to give Hunter the satisfaction of knowing that his kiss from the day before had phased me.
    My parents seemed ecstatic. "Congratulations, you two!" They were saying. They came up and hugged Braden and me.
    "I'd have to say," my mom was saying, "I knew this had to be coming eventually." She seemed happy, but not excited. She looked over at Hunter. "I imagine this must be quite awkward for you."
    I could have died right there. "Mother," I said in a warning tone. "Why would you even say something like that?"
    "Well," she said, shrugging her shoulders, "I know I couldn't have been the only one thinking it."
    "It's called tact, mom. Learn to use it," I rolled my eyes and turned to Braden. "Wanna get out of here? Let the

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