A Place for Cliff

A Place for Cliff by Talon p.s. Read Free Book Online

Book: A Place for Cliff by Talon p.s. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talon p.s.
Tags: Gay, Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic Romance, mm, gay erotica, ds, leukimia, gay families, eritica
It took us forever to get out here. We’ll walk through Macomb Park and catch the Number 22 there to start the trek home.” His arm went over her shoulders pulling her to him as they walked. It was a long trip when you had to go by bus, then train and then on another bus, but it had been well worth seeing Pyotr for that brief moment. Even if Kimmi was making too much of it.
    ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~
    Pyotr stood in the shower under the streaming water, his head lowered as he leaned on a hand pressed flat on the wall. He hadn’t expected to see Cliff. That did something to him, seeing the young man had come out to watch him rowing. And he could make a good guess it was his kid sister with him. That was a very positive action running in his favor.
    He brought up the image of Cliff and them kissing, envisioned Cliff standing with him now, his lips beckoning him. Cliff really did have some incredible lips. Full, pouty. Edible. Not a typical feature on a man, but it was an incredible bonus. He bit at his own just savoring the anticipation.
    “Does it to you, does he?” the man stepping up to the shower head next to him spoke through his thoughts.
    Pyotr opened his eyes to see his brother, Pavle standing next to him adjusting the shower knobs to get the right temperature.
    Pyotr smiled his acknowledgement. He felt like a kid in his new-found crush for the young lad and wasn’t a bit ashamed for it.
    “Yeah well next time try not to break the oars in the process, will ya?” Pavle ducked under the water letting it rinse away the sweat.
    Pyotr turned to do the same, but instantly the showers filled with boisterous laughter and cajoling. He opened his eyes once more to find his team mates all laughing at him. He glanced down at the hard-on he was sporting being the object of their amusement as it jabbed upward for the ceiling.
    “Ya think the little blonde twink did it for him?” one of the men across from them asked in general to the others.
    “He’s not a twink. You know I don’t go for that sort of thing.” Pyotr moved to correct the accusations with a stern tone. He closed his eyes and moved under the stream of water enjoying the feel as it cascaded down his skin, just imagining it was Cliff’s tongue instead. Pyotr felt exhilarated, his body pumped from the workout, feeling the intoxicating mix of adrenalin and testosterone coursing through his veins all the way to his erection. He envisioned licking over Cliff’s cock as he began to stroke over his own.
    “Come here daddy. I’ll bend over for ya an’ you can run that beautiful sword up my arse.” Another one of them called to him in lustful offering.
    Pyotr glanced at the New Zealander man, “You’ll mind your talking, Hemi. So you don’t interrupt my wet dream is what you’ll do.” It was a gentle warning.
    “Such a waste of a gorgeous cock.” One of the others drew closer with hopes to temp him some.
    Pyotr peaked an eye open finding Tim standing dangerously close. “A show is all you’re gonna get.”
    “Hey, dinner and a movie. I’m up for that.” another joked calling Tim back to the lower ranks. “Come here Tim, I’ll stroke you up good and plenty while you watch.”
    They had a general rule, no dating between mates, but that didn’t stop them from fooling around a little in the shower from time to time. Of course none of them would think twice about having a go with Pyotr. Rules be damned for a chance to lay next to his beautiful body.
    “Pavle is still making up for lost time. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to stick ya. And then you can give him a ride home.” Pyotr went back to his wet dream. He actually needed to hurry it up and just get a little release so he could get out of there and catch Cliff before they made it to the bus stop.
    “Not like you to put forth the effort for a short fling.”
    Pavle commented from his short perception, while Pyotr stroked himself to the edge. “That’s because it’s

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