A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) by Makenna Jameison Read Free Book Online

Book: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) by Makenna Jameison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Makenna Jameison
more hassle than it was worth.  She’d just—
    Kenley muttered under her breath as she accidentally stepped on a seashell, cursing as it cut into her foot.  She stopped for a moment, glancing down.  It hurt but hadn’t broken her skin.  At least she was almost back to the boardwalk.  She readjusted her array of curls, tucking in the strands that had broken free of the ponytail. She probably looked like a crazed woman hurrying down the beach like this—hair wildly blowing about, muttering to herself as she stepped on inanimate objects.  Freaking perfect.
    She gingerly stepped onto the boardwalk, brushing the sand from her bare feet.  It was going to hurt like hell walking back to her car like this.  Maybe she’d just sit down for a few minutes until she felt better.  She balanced on one leg, tugging on a sandal.  A man jogging by with his dog nodded at her, and she politely said hello before pulling her other sandal on.
    See, that guy didn’t even know her but had said hi.  Apparently that was too much for what’s-his-name, who just started talking to her like they were buddies or something.  Honestly, what was his problem?  Mike had barely spoken to her this evening before abruptly leaving.  So much for the big talk he needed to have with her.  The minute she’d finished eating and stood up to grab another beer from the cooler, he’d literally turned and run off down the beach.  Not that she’d expected them to become best buds or something, but damn.  Turning and running the other way didn’t bode well.
    Kenley blew out a sigh.  She couldn’t be friends with anyone that hot anyway.  She’d be drooling over him while he had some new gorgeous woman on his arm.  Not that she cared if he dated anyone.  He could date every damn woman in Virginia Beach if he wanted.  Their kiss earlier today had been nothing but a big, fat mistake.  So there was that, too.
    At least he didn’t take one of those women with him when he left.  Alison seemed nice enough, so she assumed her friends were.  But the thought that she’d brought them along to meet the single guys on Mike’s SEAL team—Mike included—didn’t sit well with her.  And wasn’t that a surprise.  She was sure wasting a lot of time thinking about a man she couldn’t stand.  Hmmph.
    She gingerly walked over to the bench and sank down, wondering if her foot would stop bothering her in a few more minutes.  In the meantime she’d just have to sit here and freeze a little longer.  She shivered again and wrapped her arms around herself, trying to stay warm.
    She started and looked up to see Mike himself walking her direction.  Had he chased after her down the beach?  It was amazing that he’d restrained himself and not tackled her in the sand or something.  Wasn’t that his MO?  Shoot first, ask questions later?
    Crap.  What if something was wrong with Lexi?  Here she was thinking about what an ass he was, and he’d come running after her.  But wait—hadn’t he left already?
    Mike stepped onto the boardwalk and was at the bench in two long strides, looking tall and dangerous as he towered above her.  He gripped a sweatshirt tightly in his hand, and his gaze slid to where she absentmindedly rubbed her injured foot.
    “Are you okay?” he asked, voice gruff.
    “Fine,” she said, getting to her feet.  She winced as she put pressure on the injured one.
    Mike stepped closer, and she waved him off.  “I just stepped on a shell in the dark.  I’m fine.”
    “Why’d you leave?”
    “I was cold.  Why’d you leave?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips as she glared up at him.  Seriously, what was his problem?  He chased her all the way here to ask why she’d left?
    “I went to get you a sweatshirt.”
    “You—wait, what?”
    “I had an extra one in my car, and you looked cold.”
    Right on cue, she shivered in the night air.  “Here, take it,” he commanded.  Warily, she met his

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