A Small Town Dream

A Small Town Dream by Rebecca Milton Read Free Book Online

Book: A Small Town Dream by Rebecca Milton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Milton
she saw in the mirror. But romance had always eluded her. So she’d assumed she wasn’t ready. When the time is right, and it felt right, she’d kiss someone. And make love with him , that place deep inside her said.
    It also said, n ow, Anne, now it’s time .
    He turned to her. She took a deep breath. “Parker, I’ve never—”
    “I know. Connie...well, she told me.”
    “Oh.” Her cheeks burned. She looked away.
    “Don’t,” he said, putting his hand on her cheek to turn her face toward his. They held that moment, eyes locked, faces so close, she could smell the nicotine on his breath. It was intoxicating.
    “Don’t worry, Anne. I think it’s... I think you are…”
    Then he closed the gap and pressed his lips to hers. She felt the same spark as when he’d touched her hand, but stronger. He parted his lips, and she followed his lead. The tip of his tongue touched hers, and she trembled. This was so worth the wait , and with that thought, she gave herself over completely.
    He pulled her into his arms. She wrapped hers around his shoulders, their bodies pressed close and tight. Their tongues danced. Annie let the warmth of the fire, and the heat of his kiss, envelop her. She held him tighter, and he pulled her even closer. She wanted this to last forever. She would have let him take her right there. To be naked with him, in body and spirit, and completely, utterly connected.
    I think I’m falling in love with Parker Levitt . When that thought broke through, she broke the kiss and leaned back, though still in his arms, still with hers around his shoulders.
    “Ok, Parker,” she said, dropped her arms. He let her go. “Never again.” He stepped back but only an inch or so. “I mean it, Parker. You have Connie, and you’ll be leaving, and taking her with you, and you… You love her, so we can’t.”
    “I know,” he said in a monotone, “but I can’t give her what she wants. I need something different.”
    When did he start talking like this , Annie wondered. When did he begin to be dissatisfied with the future? When did he… When did we start growing up?
    She suddenly wanted to be back in grade school with Connie and Ellen and all the others, back when the future was no farther away than summer break. Back before the worries, and the wanting to escape. Back when it was simple . That’s what she loved the most about her little town and her sweet life – they were simple . Now though, both were quickly becoming very complicated.
    Step took a step farther back. “I don’t need anything different, Parker. I like my life.” He moved to kiss her again, but she stopped him with a hand on his cheek. “ No , Parker, I said only once and I meant it.”
    “Didn’t you like—?”
    “I loved it. It a perfect first kiss. I couldn’t ask for more.”
    He hung his head a bit, but she took his hand and pulled him back to sit on the log. He lit one more cigarette, and they watched the moon dance on the water awhile. Then he doused the fire. They walked to his car in silence.
    She stepped out of his car when they stopped at her house, and then leaned into the open window.
    “I don’t want to be mean, Parker, but we can’t ever do this again. Not that I wouldn’t love to. But there’s Connie, and school and life, and you need to work things out with her, be honest about what you need to be happy. Maybe she’ll be hurt, but then you’ll be gone, and she’ll be fine. She’ll find somebody else, and you will, too. But it can’t be me. We can’t. Do you understand?”
    He took it all in, looking at her with those sad eyes, and her heart ached. She wanted him to smile. She wanted him to kiss her again. And never stop.
    “I know, Anne. You’re a good person.” He smiled faintly. She stepped back from the car. She watched him drive slowly away until his taillights vanished into the night. Then she sat down on the porch

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