A sudden, fearful death
into its place and smoothed her skirts. "Keep themselves out of
trouble. Miss Gillespie, you said? What a shame. Such a nice young lady. And
her sister as well. Devoted, they are, which is so pleasant to see, don't you
think?" She waved Monk toward the window where he could have a good view
of their garden, the wall dividing it from the Penroses', but gave him no time
to answer her rhetorical question. "And a very agreeable man, Mr. Penrose
is too, I am sure."
    "Do you have a gardener, Mrs.
    "A gardener?" She was
obviously surprised. "Dear me, no. I am afraid the garden is rather left
to its own devices, apart from my husband cutting the grass every so often."
She smiled happily. "Children, you know? I was afraid at first you were
going to say someone had been too wild with the cricket ball and broken a
window. You have no idea what a relief it was!"
    "The action of a Peeping Tom
does not frighten you, ma'am?"
    "Oh dear no." She looked
at him narrowly. "I doubt if there really was one, you know. Miss
Gillespie is very young. Young girls are given to fancies at times, and to
nerves." She smoothed her skirts again and rearranged the billowing
fabric. "It comes of just sitting around waiting to meet a suitable young
man, and hoping he will choose her above her fellows?' She took a deep breath.
"Of course, she is very pretty, and that will help, but entirely dependent
upon her brother-in-law to support her until then. And as I understand it,
there is no dowry to mention. I shouldn't be too concerned, if I were you, Mr.
Monk. I expect it was a cat in the bushes, or some such thing."
    "I see," Monk said
thoughtfully, not that his mind was on any kind of animal, or Marianne's
possible imagination, but upon her financial dependence. "I daresay you
are right," he added quickly. "Thank you, Mrs. Hylton. I think I
shall take your advice and abandon the pursuit. I wish you good day,
    He had luncheon in a small, busy
public house in the Euston Road, and then walked for some time in deep thought,
hands in his pockets. The more he considered the evidence the more he disliked
the conclusions it suggested. He had never thought it likely anyone came over
the garden wall, now he considered it so improbable as to exclude it from his
mind. Whoever had attacked Marianne had come through her own house, and
therefore was known either to her or to her sister, almost certainly both.
    Since they did not intend to
prosecute, why had.they called Monk? Why had they mentioned the matter at all?
    The answer to that was obvious.
Julia did not know of it. Marianne had been forced to explain the bruises in
some way, and her state of distress; probably her clothes were torn or stained
with grass or even blood. And for her own reasons she had not been willing to
tell Julia who it was. Perhaps she had encouraged him to begin with, and then
become frightened, and since she was ashamed, had claimed it was a stranger,
the only answer that would be morally acceptable. No one would believe she
would yield to a complete stranger or give him the slightest encouragement.
    It was after three when he returned
to Hastings Street and again sought admittance. He found Julia in the withdrawing
room with Marianne and Audley, who had apparently come home early yet again.
    "Mr. Monk?" he said with
quite open surprise. "I had not realized cousin Albert had spoken of us so
exceedingly well!"
    "Audley!" Julia rose to
her feet, her cheeks hot pink. "Please come in, Mr. Monk. I am sure my
husband did not mean to make you feel less than welcome." Her eyes
searched Monk's face with an anxiety she could not conceal, but she studiously
avoided looking at Marianne. "It is a little early for tea, but may we
offer you some cold lemonade? It is really a very hot day. J>
    "Thank you." Monk
accepted both because he was thirsty and because he wished to observe them all
a little more closely, especially the two women. How deep

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