A Trip to Remember

A Trip to Remember by Meg Harding Read Free Book Online

Book: A Trip to Remember by Meg Harding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Harding
wondering what that look was for. “Why don’t you try looking?”
    Logan sauntered forward, looking amused, that smile still stretching across his lips.
    “I don’t know what’s so funny,” said Colin.
    Logan stopped in front of him and gave him a quick, chaste kiss before heading for the pantry. “You are,” he said.
    He had looked in the pantry for less than a minute when he emerged, a shoe box in hand. “Here they are.” He rattled the box before tossing it to Colin, who barely caught it in time to keep it from spilling all over the floor.
    Colin contemplated hitting Logan over the head with the box. “You could have told me it was likely to be in the pantry.” He set the box down on the counter and tugged off the lid. “Your organizational system leaves something to be desired. These should be with the rest of the baking stuff,” he pointed out.
    Logan pecked a kiss to his cheek, hooking his chin over Colin’s shoulder. “I’ll keep that in mind in the future.”
    Colin fished out a snowman, gingerbread man, snowflake, and reindeer antlers, placing them onto the table.
    “There should be a Santa one too,” said Logan, moving to stand beside him.
    He moved aside a heart, bunny ears, and an egg before he found it. Colin laid it beside the others.
    “That all?”
    “Yep.” Logan was standing close to him, their shoulders bumping with every movement. “Time to roll this out.”
    The batter was upended onto the table, and Logan took the rolling pin to it, getting it reasonably flat. They each picked a cookie cutter and got to cutting. Colin tried transferring one of his gingerbread men from the table to the baking tray when the gingerbread man’s legs fell off.
    Logan laughed at him, scooping up the legs and taking the rest of his body from Colin. He dumped them in the excess pile for the next round of flattening.
    When he turned his back to grab something, Colin reached out and plucked the legs from the pile. He popped the batter into his mouth and smiled innocently around it when Logan turned to look at him.
    “There’s raw egg in that. You’re going to make yourself sick.”
    Colin chewed and swallowed, resisting the urge to eat more batter. “But it tastes so good.”
    Logan rolled his eyes, reached for the leftover pile, and started to flatten it. “Why don’t you go mix the next bunch, and I’ll finish here?”
    “You’re making another batch? How many cookies do you need?” Colin asked incredulously.
    “Enough that I have some left for my whole family by the time you’re done chowing through them.”
    Colin didn’t respond, but after he dumped the required amount of flour into the bowl, he made sure to pour a tiny cup of it over Logan’s head.
    Logan whirled around, flour streaked down his face. Colin snickered, backing away as he approached. “Come on,” he said, “where’s your sense of humor?” Logan’s hair was liberally dusted with white, obscuring all of the gray. “That’s a good look for you.”
    He backed himself into the counter, and with nowhere else to go, put up his arms to ward Logan off. It didn’t work. Logan pinned him in place, shaking his head like a dog, flour fluttering off of him and onto Colin. Colin tried to shove him away, laughing and protesting all the while.
    Hands on his hips, Logan lifted Colin onto the counter, moving himself between Colin’s splayed legs. “Oh,” said Colin, staring down into Logan’s eyes, now a light gray color. His hands were braced on Logan’s shoulders, his legs spread around his hips. He squeezed with his thighs.
    “Isn’t this unsanitary?” he asked. “Doing it in the kitchen and all.”
    “Your clothes aren’t coming off,” laughed Logan. “Like I’d let you put your bare ass on my counter. This is just kissing.” He ghosted his lips against Colin’s as if to demonstrate.
    “What’s with you and the kissing?” he asked when Logan pulled back to look at him. He absently played with the hair on

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